A couple weeks ago i was driving down the road and my car started to make all kinds of noise, very loud ass ticking type noise, take it into the shop and i get a call 4 hours later that i blew a rod and the motor is shot. So i decide to take my van in so that i can get the oil changed... Read More
"They" say bitching gets you nowhere...oh not true! I bitched up a storm and pretty much demanded the cast comes OFF!! so the cast is off, have you any idea what is like to wipe your ass with the correct hand? no i bet you don't if you never had a cast on before. Also makes other things easier as well
i was sent some seriously fucked up pics that are not for the faint of heart but i HAD to share this one, because all i could think of is, Happy meals come in boxes too..
I am so thrilled for you about getting your cast off.You are right sometimes Bitching can get the job done.You seem more of firstbasewoman than a catcher.Have a great day.