wow, it has been over a month since i wrote on here...well not much has changed, i still love my new place, things with my wonderful boyfriend are good, the kids are great. so it seems like life would be wonderful, but i just feel like someting is missing, i wish i knew what it was...................wait, i do know.....................MONEY
well there is more to life than money though right! who the fuck said that..... i know the man who had everything, yuck on you!!
so tell me what is every one up to? write me, IM me i am on yahoo...tat2dpunkchick....MSN...hellbent_hellkitten

well there is more to life than money though right! who the fuck said that..... i know the man who had everything, yuck on you!!

so tell me what is every one up to? write me, IM me i am on yahoo...tat2dpunkchick....MSN...hellbent_hellkitten

money is shit, i hate it and it is completly useless in every way