Paul, I miss you already baby.
This site sucks. Hella. Way too much drama for no good goddamn reason. Moving to LA was the worst thing SG could possibly do.
And Sean, here's a personal message: Fuck you. Stop trying to micromanage the fucking site, keep your personal politics out of site policy, and...oh, I dunno. Eat a dick.
If you don't cotton to my...
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This site sucks. Hella. Way too much drama for no good goddamn reason. Moving to LA was the worst thing SG could possibly do.
And Sean, here's a personal message: Fuck you. Stop trying to micromanage the fucking site, keep your personal politics out of site policy, and...oh, I dunno. Eat a dick.
If you don't cotton to my...
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Here's a video of the guy that does Vegeta on Dragon Ball Z giving me a personal shout-out:
This was the highlight of my week in LA. I'm such a complete fucking dork.
This was the highlight of my week in LA. I'm such a complete fucking dork.
Thank you, I like you.
Hey, yo...
Good to meet you and the crew at E3, mon. That was a fine par-tay, I must say. Rachel. Golly!
So, seriously, you guys need to get down to Austin. Asskicking chick roller derby extravaganza! June 8th. Be there!
Good to meet you and the crew at E3, mon. That was a fine par-tay, I must say. Rachel. Golly!
So, seriously, you guys need to get down to Austin. Asskicking chick roller derby extravaganza! June 8th. Be there!
So much happening, so little time to stop and write about it. Work has been getting incrementally more stressful and intense as the days pass, and it should all reach a shrill creshendo come next Thursday.
Speaking of Thursdays, I got my first tattoo last Day of the Thunder God, and it was an awesome experience. I asked Sadie to come with me in case...
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Speaking of Thursdays, I got my first tattoo last Day of the Thunder God, and it was an awesome experience. I asked Sadie to come with me in case...
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But you know what? THEY AREN"T YELLOW!
I know, I was just giving you a hard time hon...

But you know what? THEY AREN"T YELLOW!

I know, I was just giving you a hard time hon...

im not mad i just wanted my sims and you dont mess me with me and my sims
So, riding the 21 home, I see an SFPD cruiser pull up to the bus stop ahead of us. The bus pulls up closer to the stop, and I see that there's a red hen just standing in the bus stop. I'm then treated to a delightful show of a cop trying to wrangle a chicken into the back of a police cruiser.
My theory?...
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My theory?...
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nice cock
You got the tat? You must post a pic...
going to E3 this year? If so, we should get together and drink. Much.
going to E3 this year? If so, we should get together and drink. Much.

What a wonderful weekend. Saw Happy Gilmore at The Clay, and saw Sadie, too.
Went back to the old stomping grounds on Saturday, did a lot of mundane suburban shit like buy new sheets 'n shit.
Did some drinking too, and convinced my friend Karen to come out to the city for Sunday night's Gravy Train!!!! show, which was a fucking blast; those bitches put...
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Went back to the old stomping grounds on Saturday, did a lot of mundane suburban shit like buy new sheets 'n shit.
Did some drinking too, and convinced my friend Karen to come out to the city for Sunday night's Gravy Train!!!! show, which was a fucking blast; those bitches put...
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Hi sweetie!
Will you be going back home sometimes over the summer too?!? Will you hang out with me then cause i'm moving back at the end of may?!?! PLEASE!
I am so excited for you to get your tat. Bring some candy to keep your blood sugar up and have a friend to distract you. Good luck!
HAppy Monday!
Will you be going back home sometimes over the summer too?!? Will you hang out with me then cause i'm moving back at the end of may?!?! PLEASE!

I am so excited for you to get your tat. Bring some candy to keep your blood sugar up and have a friend to distract you. Good luck!

HAppy Monday!
Gravy train is the shit. ;-)

Cru Jones is the best BMX biker in all of Cochrane.
you didnt call i never heard the phone ring
I'm feeling better now. Thinking back on what I was feeling so shitty about, it all seems rather absurd. I'm such a drama queen.
To denote my change in attitude, here is a random picture of a happy baby. Enjoy.
UPDATE: The site won't let me upload the happy baby picture. I have slipped back into a crippling depression.
UPDATED UPDATE: Finally uploaded happy baby....
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To denote my change in attitude, here is a random picture of a happy baby. Enjoy.
UPDATE: The site won't let me upload the happy baby picture. I have slipped back into a crippling depression.
UPDATED UPDATE: Finally uploaded happy baby....
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That baby fuckin sucks!
You are worthless.
I hate you.
You are worthless.
I hate you.
Not a bad lookin' kid. Doesn't have that "Winston Churchill Lookalike" thing going on like most babies do.
Today sucked dick. I feel like shit, for numerous reasons.
I want this awful malaise and self-doubt to go the fuck away. Suggestions?
I want this awful malaise and self-doubt to go the fuck away. Suggestions?
A kick ass night of drunken debauchery with my friends usually helps cheer me up . Maybe you could try that .

*lots and lots of hugs for you!*
Fuck yeah an interview with Joe Jackson! Here I was, thinking I was the only person who gave a shit about Joe Jackson. Man, this site fuckin' rules. I actually just picked up Night & Day on vinyl a couple days before the Joe Jackson interview showed up on the about synchronicity. But seriously, if you don't know Joe Jackson, try and pick up...
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Time keeps on tick-tick-tickin in my head... tickin in my head... tickin in my head!
...cause if my eyes don't deceive me, there's something goin' on around here...
Yeah, Joe Jackson's got it goin' on.
Too bad you aint here. I still have a functional LD player...
...cause if my eyes don't deceive me, there's something goin' on around here...
Yeah, Joe Jackson's got it goin' on.

Too bad you aint here. I still have a functional LD player...
I know it's already tuesday, but goddamn if that wasn't an awesome weekend.
Friday night went to a kickass going away party. Drank too much rum, smoked too many cigarettes, talked semi-coherently with Paul about fiction, did some bumpin' and grindin' on the dance floor with Sadie, had my nipples tweaked a good half dozen times by Heather. Saw Trevor, who I haven't seen in,...
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Friday night went to a kickass going away party. Drank too much rum, smoked too many cigarettes, talked semi-coherently with Paul about fiction, did some bumpin' and grindin' on the dance floor with Sadie, had my nipples tweaked a good half dozen times by Heather. Saw Trevor, who I haven't seen in,...
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Damn, son. Rum, cigs, fiction, Sadie (Sadie!), nipple tweakin... some gents have all the luck!
Got me a party to hit this weekend. Send me some of that nipple-tweakin' karma, m'man.

Got me a party to hit this weekend. Send me some of that nipple-tweakin' karma, m'man.
tomorrow is stomp, tomorrow is stomp. the next day is zinzanni, yip yip yip. then church, then monday. wonka wonka wonka.
next week is spike n mikes. work it. work it.
next week is spike n mikes. work it. work it.
out. of. hand.
the inside of my mouth tastes delightful.
the inside of my mouth tastes delightful.
Why yes, homosexual sex is very refreshing.
OMFG Ryan, I have to go thru those pics to see if I'm in there, I'll let you know if I'm in one...
Oh god they are bringing back memories...

Oh god they are bringing back memories...

couple a things, off the head.
clean-shaven vajay-jays are funny lookin'. they look like they desperately want a warm, fuzzy blanket.
I don't care who you are, if you're going up against Kylie Minogue, the odds ain't in your favor.
what does it take to grow up?
clean-shaven vajay-jays are funny lookin'. they look like they desperately want a warm, fuzzy blanket.
I don't care who you are, if you're going up against Kylie Minogue, the odds ain't in your favor.
what does it take to grow up?
I would keep a tidy room for Heidi Klum.
Fuck, I am tired.
Fuck baseball.
Money came today, but not enough. Spaghetti for a week or more!
Fuck, I am tired.
Fuck baseball.
Money came today, but not enough. Spaghetti for a week or more!
vajay-jay: preach on, brother!
Kylie: Yeah, but she was in the Street Fighter movie. ugh.
Growin' Up: Some might say 'spouse, offspring, and real estate'. Some might say 'stickin' around for 21 trips around the sun'. Me, I say when you get the joke - we all have one life to live, live it well, there aint no do-overs. Then you're a grup.
PS: how bout that rasslemania?
Kylie: Yeah, but she was in the Street Fighter movie. ugh.
Growin' Up: Some might say 'spouse, offspring, and real estate'. Some might say 'stickin' around for 21 trips around the sun'. Me, I say when you get the joke - we all have one life to live, live it well, there aint no do-overs. Then you're a grup.
PS: how bout that rasslemania?
why did paul go?