i went to dinner tonight with lx and tori. it was a lot of fun. the food was really crappy, but that's because it was vegan food.
lx really likes me, which is nice. i really like him too. i wish he would stay here and not go to dallas. i just looked at his pictures in sb and they are hot.
i like tori, she is really sweet and cute and she looks like cyndi lauper. we made sexy placemats together, and gave them to the waiter. i think i might have freaked her out though when i demanded she take naked pictures of me. so that job is still up for grabs.
i think i need to go to charm school or something. i have no social skills.
i jock you all,

i jock you all,
On visit to campus, you accidentally kill the school mascot
Instead of a cap and gown, your high school gives you a McDonald's uniform
After four years of Spanish, you still can't place an order at Taco Bell
You took an S.A.T. preparation course that was advertised by Sally Struthers
You tell admissions officer you're looking forward to "some good, honest book-larnin'"
Instead of application, you send in a Where's Waldo? book with all the Waldos circled
You insist interviewer call you by your nickname: "Glue-Sniffin' tasty soup"
Last time you picked up a book, Michael Jackson was black