It is Thursday the 5th day of June 2008. I am still unemployed. Naturally, I am still trying to find a job. The available jobs do not pay enough for me to want to waste any of my life there. I would much prefer an unemployment check; surely I can get a turn on the governments tit. So lately I have been quite depressed and unable to sleep. But that can be expected. Oh fuck it allPICTURES!!
There were carnies in my town! Horrible it was! So I left town for most of it.
I was at the bank cashing my 2 of my last 3 checks from the cunts that recently laid me off.
My friend Rita planted these vines and needed something for them to be able to climb onto as they grew.
Right then- I left town because of the carnies. Well I went to San Antonio, I was supposed to play some money games and arrange a few matches. But I found out that one of my best friends and favorite people ever was going to be in SA I went to spend the weekend with her instead. Not the entire weekend, I drove 3 hours there and spent 9 hours with her then drove 3 hours home, slept an hour before I was waken up. Slept another hour and was awakened again. So I got my day going and spent Saturday night in town. And left Sunday and stayed in SA until Monday morning when I drove home again. We went to a horribly disgusting bowling alley in the ghetto, not knowing where we were, to play pool. It was so awful that we played one game then played a game of air hockey and left. We stayed at the hotel the rest of the night. Sunday it took a while but we found a movie theatre and watched the new Indiana Jones movie. Then we spent the rest of the night at the hotel again watching television. Fucking Comedy Central, ha! So this was us.
I tried to win a big cock from a crane machine, I ran out of quarters. A guy I know won it for me. So now he can say he gave me a big cock and bun, soft but hey what can you do?
This was just neat, a bit gross but neat.
This was pretty fucking neat.
So that covers it. I will update later when something else happens.