So this Friday I was laid off work. I have still heard nothing about the others jobs I have been trying to get. I have not done much aside from play pool since being laid off. I worked on the skirt some now that I got my machine back from my friend. Fucking high school prom! So I am at a loss for news. As my life tends to be excitingly bland!! Fuck it all. PICTURES!!!!!
NEW HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So so so so SO!!! I have...
So if anyone remembers the Petunia that grew from concrete?
It grew a twin... well as a triplet!! You just cannot stop nature forever. I fucking love that idea. Completely!
Well I had ketchup and mustard hair dye in an earlier blog, this is the mayonnaise!!!
My friend Mary's son Connor (12 years old) wants to be like me, ever since the first time we played pool. Months later he still will not cut his hair. And wants to dye it I hear, like mine, maybe not the colors, but black at least. So he said he was going to whip my butt at pool. We played $50 a game, I got him down a few hundred and he wanted to go double or nothing, total sucker's bet. But my bed sheets put more pressure on me than he does on a pool table. Anyway I got him down $8,000 and he cried, actual fucking tears!! Thinking it was okay to gamble with me because he figured I was kidding, no dice son. You fucking owe me. HAHAHA! I just did it so he would stop trashing his house and make more work for his mother as her husband refuses to do fuck all but stay home and play video games. Anyway, I will not collect a cent from him. But it was too funny. He wanted to fight me and if he won, he wanted me to deduct $500 from the debt. For every win, so he wanted to fight multiple times. I offered to deduct $500 for every finger he let me cut off of his hand. He cried more. His sister, a 5 year old, tried to be my friend so that I would be nice to her brother. She made me a trophy out of big legos.
So I won more stuffed animals from the crane machine at the bowling alley. I gave 2 of them away to my friend's daughter and niece. But this is the most interesting part of winning these things so far.
My friend and hair stylist (the woman responsible for the color) had this really pretty 1000 piece Marilyn Monroe jigsaw puzzle that she wanted me to help her put together. They got a bit of it done but I did the rest of it in about 6 hours. Tah-dah!!!
A few blogs ago I had pictures of the little flowers in the fruits trees in our backyard. Well they are now producing fruit!!
This is a cool picture from work; I have always got SG crossing my mind at some point so I notice things as such as:
So the wrap up, what I spend most of my free time doing... (Oh please do make an attempt to keep your minds in civil places children.)
Well then that is all I have for you at the moment. Perchance the life will gain a touch of something worth blogging about and I will have more interesting things to share with the masses!
i need to video tape me shooting the set so you can count how many times i will fall
this kitty cat cant walk in heels, just kitty paws