Oh fuck, so in the last blog I mentioned trying to update with at least a single picture everday. So I wanted to completely fail at something; that was it. It is over 3 weeks and I am updating now. So mission accomplished. Did not fail at failing though that will complicate my life way too much! HA! What a joke that was. I upload a bunch of pictures and they are in no particular order so this will not be chronologically organized so damn the luck. I think I will end up just telling what happened in the pictures, you know for those who get bitten by the obvious snake and of course those who like the colorful descriptions. I do not have a count on the pictures yet, 121 last night but then I uploaded more from my phone. And I do not know how many I deleted when editing them. Getting right into it!
So I did a quick count and I think there were 163 pictures. I do not care to count again tonight.
I still feel pretty fucking shitty! So I do everything I have the patience to do to distract myself from it all. Including my latest hobby, bowling. I decided months ago that I spend entirely too much time in a bowling alley to not know how to keep the ball out of the gutter. < That was the actual thought/decision I came to. HAHA! Well I FINALLY got around to learning how to bowl. My friend Willet is quite a skilled everything and bowler makes that list. He gave me a quick run down on what to do and helped me pick out a ball. I started bowling, in the first game I was able to locate specific problems with my aim and delivery. Naturally my pin count rose dramatically!! (!! for emphasis of the dramatic rise!! not quite a Pavarotti crescendo but I think I did well.) The second night I bowled to work on my game I carried a 123 average over 5 games, and several of the cunts in the Monday night league did not like that I was just beginning to bowl and matched their averages. I am planning on customizing a couple of bowling balls, carving in my logo and other things. Should kick a lot of ass I am sure. Well, bowling related I have pictures of some of the pretty colored bowling balls that I like at the bowling alley.
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I really like that purple.

Red, Purple and Green are 3 of my 4 favorite colors.

Quite a nice pink I declare!
Well my sister was down from South Korea before leaving for Germany. My mother wanted us all to go to the USS Lexington. Here are the pictures. Well some of them, there was a ghastly number, enough to kill the freshly charged camera battery.
These are in the car on the way.
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Me, Carla / Flava Flav (my sister's gf), My sister. She so looks like Flav!!

You recognize the Corpse, Naturally! With straight hair, not so naturally.

My sister wanted to take a picture of us from her angle in the car. She cut herself out the first time, thumbs up on the effort though.

That is more like it then isn't it?

I was trying to ruin the pictures, Carla was in a few as well.
A few shots outside the car window at gorgeous TEXAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The USS Lexington!
Dress up in the Gift Shop and the rest of the ship:
So yeah, I am just guessing about what these are.
Planes, Views and other odd pictures!
So my little buddy Alyssa had a birthday party.
Cool shit!!!!!!
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So we live in an old house. My mother's boyfriend took down the mirror cabinet in my mother's restroom and this was behind the cabinet.

A pile of old razor blades!! Pretty fucking cool shit!

One of the 3 $5 bills I won, haha.
Hair pictures!!!!!!!!!! SUPER FUN at my good friend Rita's salon 'Do or Dye!
Pictures I do not feel like categorizing
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So I had this retarded waitress that could not understand my simple order after it was explained 4 times by 3 of us to her. So I did not eat. Then she refilled my Dr. Pepper twice after I asked her not to because I was trying to eat the ice. So I left her that time, fucking retarded cunt.

Mary and Ditchwater.

That tree frog was on my car when I left Skillet's.

I have no fucking clue where that bruise came from but I noticed it on my leg.

So this was the homeless guy that my mother took in, he bought an electric scooter.

I was practicing shoot pool with 3 cues at once, making 3 closed bridges in my left hand. Willet came by to tell me that he could do it. So I told him (already knowing what he was going to do) to show me his way. Naturally he did that. But was too short for the cue between his legs. He adjusted a bit and then I had to give him a box to stand on. He could not make the shot, hahaha!

I tried to sneak in for this picture with Willet but he moved and it blurred, looked neat to me though.
The pets!
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So I was taking a picture of these flowers and this cute little guy strolled up for this pose!

Me and Ellie! I love to bother her while she is asleep because she growls and gets bitchy!

I came home to that. Compliments of her:

The little shit

Please do not let me disturb you.

(She didn't)

And this cute fella!
Pictures of me and stuff.
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At the bowling alley.

I had an easy 2 days at work escorting manlifts through a unit of the plant. I was trying to not fall asleep there.

Being awesome at work! Bored as well, so I did this!

I made a sign for the welding hooch.

PEEP SHOW only $1.00.

My Medusa hair shadow! HA!

A view from several floors up at the plant. We worked 17.5 hours that day and night.

It is only plastic powder! I was bored!

My FRC coveralls finally arrived. They did not include the name patch like they were supposed to.

I found this beautiful moth at work!
So in case you did not know, I am old school!
The wrap up pictures, the latest!!
So this was so awesome that it needed its own spoiler!
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A package from
Lavonne the Amazing!! Calendars!!!!

She stuffed the box full of extra little goodies and awesome stuff!!! Thanks buddy!!

My old buddy
Lavonne the Amazing gave me a print!! And signed everything, even the calendars!! You should buy a calendar!!