3 more days of uncertainty as to whether I will live or not, aside from of course the chance that anything could happen at anytime. So in the even that I do not get to the 20th of this month I have prepared my corpse in progress for my casket. It has been my wish to just look pretty in my casket and not care about what I do with my life because I already know that I will not be able to settle every score. Sadly enough some will not get square with the house before I go. But in preparation I for my demise as it is more probable now I had the bottom of my hair dyed a pretty purple. Well Ultraviolet according to the makers of it. So Before I get to the pictures of the process I have a few other bits of news. The prints and poster I ordered of Manko have arrived, yay for that spike of joy during these terrible times in the worst part of my year. Surely I will have an even worse part of my year because the current worst is in February. I probably need to have an even worse time because I have this feeling that the bigger part of my personality would be dead if I had nothing to whine and bitch about. Damn the luck I say. So aside from what the fuck ever I have just been working on collecting good karma points (if they have a quantitative value), and gambling of course to negate that along with the frequent cussing and spitting. So I am still like 280 numbers short from the 300+ I had before my cell phone died and too my contacts to the grave with it. FUCK THAT IN THE ASS, twice. So on with the picture show.

Rita straightened my hair to make it easier to get the bleach line right.

I thought about wearing that cute little twist up do out in public.

So, yeah.


So my sister and I had matching hair dos, she got highlights, they came out really pretty. Oh yeah and our drape things matched as well. How awesome is that.

My hair bleached out. It took a while as my hair is dark.

More of the bleach and a shot of the bleach line. I did not realize my hair was as long as it was until I looked at that picture.

I just think my hair looked funny in these pictures, I hate the way the bleach makes it feel.

Under the dryer.

Bagged up to contain the color.
PURPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay well, ULTRAVIOLET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rita straightened my hair to make it easier to get the bleach line right.

I thought about wearing that cute little twist up do out in public.

So, yeah.


So my sister and I had matching hair dos, she got highlights, they came out really pretty. Oh yeah and our drape things matched as well. How awesome is that.

My hair bleached out. It took a while as my hair is dark.

More of the bleach and a shot of the bleach line. I did not realize my hair was as long as it was until I looked at that picture.

I just think my hair looked funny in these pictures, I hate the way the bleach makes it feel.

Under the dryer.

Bagged up to contain the color.
PURPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay well, ULTRAVIOLET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

INDEED! No seriously, tongue removal is an acceptable pennance in my books.
my oxfam cards arrived a couple days ago but i'm not a cool dude like you so i didn't write myself funny messages. you know what did arrive? my poster and the cat toys. thank you SO MUCH!! my baby pepin is eating up a furry yellow mouse as i type.