And it has been days since I have updated this thing, do not worry Lettice I have a lot of pictures and a video for your viewing orgasm. Well between the job thing, the salon, pool, the tortures of depression and intense stretches of gambling I have somewhat neglected my only reader. Well now fret not my friend, if you are in it for the photos then you will be sucking hind tit with this one. So I will start where I left off. In the year 2008 during its first month, January, following the 29th day-(30th if your counting skills are not on point today) I waited around for the mail, checked around with a few SGs about getting my some prints for my wall, talked to a friend about frames for the prints. Well I will get into the pictures.

So my older sister's dog Ellie just loves to maker herself comfortable on my goose down pillows and the pretty green super soft feeling pillow. She takes her naps there whenever she feels like it, it was about 4 pm there. She I have to push her off of my pillows so I can lay down and she gets mad at me for disturbing her sleep. She is a bitch after all so what can you do?
I did not take any other pictures until that night. I did not feel like there was anything interesting enough to snap off a shot of. Later that day sometime around 7:30pm I went to the bowling alley to practice and give Katheter lessons. Yes I know I do waste a lot of time.

At least she had one cute socks.

This is Katheter racking up for her first ass kicking.

I do not do that to her much because there is not a point in breaking her confidence completely during lessons. Well this night she was laughing at me as I missed several attempts at some very difficult bank shots that I was practicing. So the result of the rack she was racking there was this beautiful scene, SKITTLES!! That is my Joss Cue Malady posing with her handy work. Yeah I broke and ran out. I broke, made a solid and ran out stripes. She thinks it is cute when she laughs at me when I miss a shot, dirty cunt.

That is her response to my run out, 9-ball. 9-ball, she always wants to play 9-ball because she's a worthless lazy bitch that does not want to try. She wants to play 9-ball so she only has to try to make one ball, the 9, to win. And she likes to wait until only the 9 is left before she actually tries. It pisses me off so I like to run 5 or 6 or 7 balls and play safe so she misses, fouls and I get ball in hand to make the last few balls. Or I will miss on the 9 ball but leave her a cut or bank that she cannot make or even luck in. The shoot a multiple rail bank shot on the 9 ball while keeping eye contact with her. Yes I am an asshole, but she does not try to improve.

After the bowling alley I went home, naturally. And I have not seen my beautiful cat Hades in a few days. So when he showed up to eat I took a few pictures of him. He was more concerned with his meal than my pictures and it was drizzling so I did not force him into a picture. That is all you get, this time.
January 31st - 2008

I had to go up to my mother's office to fill out the paperwork for a background check for this job that I have been waiting to start. So there I am multitasking. I set the camera up with a 3 second timer on a pen holder to get this. I was filling out the paper and texting a friend.

While at mother's office she wanted me to file some paperwork work her. That is not a lot to do but I started and soon began suffering from all of my lack of patience frustration symptoms and I had to stop. That stack was not so bad, in September of 2007...

...I filed massive stack. It took just under 10 business days. And I was not filing the entire time, I had to run the names through the database to see if they had an existing file or if I needed to create a new file for them.

From my mother's office I went to my friend's salon, as I tend to do because it is just down the street. While at the salon sitting on the couch I got a phone call from the company that I had filled out the paperwork for my background check for. They had me tell them all of the information over the phone for the background check, apparently its too difficult to read faxes. So that is me upset because I was going to have to be at the company's office at 8 am the next morning. That meant that I had to switch my sleep schedule in one night and force myself to get a few hours of sleep.

That is Rita on the shitter in the back of her salon; she goes out there to smoke. I was back in the shade as I prefer the cooler temperatures; she was in the sun getting warm.
As 3pm approached I left the salon for my sisters place of employment, I picked her up from work but not before getting some ice cream and popsicles and all that awesome stuff!!

Their selection is housed in these 3 freezers.

So this was just one of the tasty treats I tried. Who does not like bomb pops? They are fucking awesome I say. One of the bad motherfuckers of the popsicle world.
So Yeah I could have left after the icecream but I to include these shots, as they are of a somewhat disturbing nature. Now yes I think I said something similar about the porn that those stores she works at sells, but this is worse. These stores cater to the drug addicts and casual drug users infecting the area.

In case your cocaine is clumpy, cut that shit up.

Maybe you had a larger amount of blow and wanted to use the razors to divide and distribute it into smaller quantities, well they have just the thing for you with these handy baggies. Maybe you were sharing with a friend, who knows?
Oh hell, blow is not your thing?

They have you covered and for only$14.99.
But DAMN! you are not a pipe kinda person.

What were you worried about?
Oh yeah? Well okay I agree, joints are for pussies and middle-schoolers. You gangsters smoke sweets these days.

What flavor does your fancy find? Oh its not on that rack?

What about this here?
No no no really I understand, weed is for stoners and you are a real junkie! You are into cocaine after all then are you not? But you don't like the classy aspect of powder though do you? I don't blame you.

What are you talking about officer? They are just pens!!

So if you crackheads have to suck a glass dick it may as well have a rose for you, right? Don't forget that copper scrub pad, you don't want to suck the stone straight out do you?
Well fuck one is not enough for a real addict though is it?

Oh smoke on brotha!
Yeah but what if you do not have the money for a rock?

Fuck for it, because they did not forget that even crackwhores need to protect themselves.

Okay there is nothing wrong with this aside from being tobacco. I just had to include it because it reminds me of a guy I worked with that was fresh out of prison. He told us that he use to make a lot of money rolling cigarettes from Bugler and selling them in the pin. He is a cool old guy, we became good friends. Old Flo we called him, cool as fucking hell he is.
So that night I went to practice again. As much as I gamble I have to stay sharp you know?

You may recognize the boy, Michael, and that his sister Amalia, the reason I included this picture is because she wouldn't stay away from the table when I was breaking and my cue ball flew off the table on a break and hit her in the chest. It was SO fucking funny. She was mad at me for over and hour, it was great.
The first day of February Twenty aught 8.
So after forcing myself to sleep for a couple of hours, I was up at something like 5 am, online checking my SG mail and having a gander at the latest set for that day. I left the house around 7:20 and got there 20 minutes early. I had to give them my social security number once again so they could process my paperwork, yet again. Then after having me wait around until 10 am or so they told me to go home and wait for their call, as they would be calling me to let me know to go take my drug test.

So my tug of war with Ellie was interrupted by the phone call from the company, only it was not about the drug test, it was news that I did not need a drug test because the plant cancelled our job. So I am still unemployed. That was around 11ish or so. I called my mother to give her then news, then called Katheter and made lunch plans.

Katheter had to come collect me because mother was napping and parked behind me, and I live 2 blocks or less from the restaurant.
So we went to Tropics, they have seating inside and on a deck that is open aside from a few nets and some railing. But it has a nice view of the bay, and gulf beyond that, but who can see that far?

That is a little of what you can see from the patio at Tropics.

That beautiful bird was circling the restaurant, over the water and around the building then back over the water, it took a few shots before I got a decent picture of him.
It was a chilly day, I loved it, that's why I wanted to eat outside. And I can see cool shit like these gulls.

But Katheter was cold so the sissy complained the whole time and had to go get her jacket.

I took this shot of myself and Katheter complimented me on being an asshole for making her eat out there.

I celebrated the compliment with a high 5!

My food, fried catfish, fried shrimp and french fries and their bread rolls are awesome.
After getting the news that I had my weekend back I played pool all night that night. Here is a neat little shot that did not work out exactly right because the balls did not roll through track fast enough; they piled up at the end of the shot. That is why I called it a Train (wreck) they kinda piled up a bit at the end. So I caromed the 3 ball off of the cue ball into the pocket, it was so upsetting that I did not try it again.

So my older sister's dog Ellie just loves to maker herself comfortable on my goose down pillows and the pretty green super soft feeling pillow. She takes her naps there whenever she feels like it, it was about 4 pm there. She I have to push her off of my pillows so I can lay down and she gets mad at me for disturbing her sleep. She is a bitch after all so what can you do?
I did not take any other pictures until that night. I did not feel like there was anything interesting enough to snap off a shot of. Later that day sometime around 7:30pm I went to the bowling alley to practice and give Katheter lessons. Yes I know I do waste a lot of time.

At least she had one cute socks.

This is Katheter racking up for her first ass kicking.

I do not do that to her much because there is not a point in breaking her confidence completely during lessons. Well this night she was laughing at me as I missed several attempts at some very difficult bank shots that I was practicing. So the result of the rack she was racking there was this beautiful scene, SKITTLES!! That is my Joss Cue Malady posing with her handy work. Yeah I broke and ran out. I broke, made a solid and ran out stripes. She thinks it is cute when she laughs at me when I miss a shot, dirty cunt.

That is her response to my run out, 9-ball. 9-ball, she always wants to play 9-ball because she's a worthless lazy bitch that does not want to try. She wants to play 9-ball so she only has to try to make one ball, the 9, to win. And she likes to wait until only the 9 is left before she actually tries. It pisses me off so I like to run 5 or 6 or 7 balls and play safe so she misses, fouls and I get ball in hand to make the last few balls. Or I will miss on the 9 ball but leave her a cut or bank that she cannot make or even luck in. The shoot a multiple rail bank shot on the 9 ball while keeping eye contact with her. Yes I am an asshole, but she does not try to improve.

After the bowling alley I went home, naturally. And I have not seen my beautiful cat Hades in a few days. So when he showed up to eat I took a few pictures of him. He was more concerned with his meal than my pictures and it was drizzling so I did not force him into a picture. That is all you get, this time.
January 31st - 2008

I had to go up to my mother's office to fill out the paperwork for a background check for this job that I have been waiting to start. So there I am multitasking. I set the camera up with a 3 second timer on a pen holder to get this. I was filling out the paper and texting a friend.

While at mother's office she wanted me to file some paperwork work her. That is not a lot to do but I started and soon began suffering from all of my lack of patience frustration symptoms and I had to stop. That stack was not so bad, in September of 2007...

...I filed massive stack. It took just under 10 business days. And I was not filing the entire time, I had to run the names through the database to see if they had an existing file or if I needed to create a new file for them.

From my mother's office I went to my friend's salon, as I tend to do because it is just down the street. While at the salon sitting on the couch I got a phone call from the company that I had filled out the paperwork for my background check for. They had me tell them all of the information over the phone for the background check, apparently its too difficult to read faxes. So that is me upset because I was going to have to be at the company's office at 8 am the next morning. That meant that I had to switch my sleep schedule in one night and force myself to get a few hours of sleep.

That is Rita on the shitter in the back of her salon; she goes out there to smoke. I was back in the shade as I prefer the cooler temperatures; she was in the sun getting warm.
As 3pm approached I left the salon for my sisters place of employment, I picked her up from work but not before getting some ice cream and popsicles and all that awesome stuff!!

Their selection is housed in these 3 freezers.

So this was just one of the tasty treats I tried. Who does not like bomb pops? They are fucking awesome I say. One of the bad motherfuckers of the popsicle world.
So Yeah I could have left after the icecream but I to include these shots, as they are of a somewhat disturbing nature. Now yes I think I said something similar about the porn that those stores she works at sells, but this is worse. These stores cater to the drug addicts and casual drug users infecting the area.

In case your cocaine is clumpy, cut that shit up.

Maybe you had a larger amount of blow and wanted to use the razors to divide and distribute it into smaller quantities, well they have just the thing for you with these handy baggies. Maybe you were sharing with a friend, who knows?
Oh hell, blow is not your thing?

They have you covered and for only$14.99.
But DAMN! you are not a pipe kinda person.

What were you worried about?
Oh yeah? Well okay I agree, joints are for pussies and middle-schoolers. You gangsters smoke sweets these days.

What flavor does your fancy find? Oh its not on that rack?

What about this here?
No no no really I understand, weed is for stoners and you are a real junkie! You are into cocaine after all then are you not? But you don't like the classy aspect of powder though do you? I don't blame you.

What are you talking about officer? They are just pens!!

So if you crackheads have to suck a glass dick it may as well have a rose for you, right? Don't forget that copper scrub pad, you don't want to suck the stone straight out do you?
Well fuck one is not enough for a real addict though is it?

Oh smoke on brotha!
Yeah but what if you do not have the money for a rock?

Fuck for it, because they did not forget that even crackwhores need to protect themselves.

Okay there is nothing wrong with this aside from being tobacco. I just had to include it because it reminds me of a guy I worked with that was fresh out of prison. He told us that he use to make a lot of money rolling cigarettes from Bugler and selling them in the pin. He is a cool old guy, we became good friends. Old Flo we called him, cool as fucking hell he is.
So that night I went to practice again. As much as I gamble I have to stay sharp you know?

You may recognize the boy, Michael, and that his sister Amalia, the reason I included this picture is because she wouldn't stay away from the table when I was breaking and my cue ball flew off the table on a break and hit her in the chest. It was SO fucking funny. She was mad at me for over and hour, it was great.
The first day of February Twenty aught 8.
So after forcing myself to sleep for a couple of hours, I was up at something like 5 am, online checking my SG mail and having a gander at the latest set for that day. I left the house around 7:20 and got there 20 minutes early. I had to give them my social security number once again so they could process my paperwork, yet again. Then after having me wait around until 10 am or so they told me to go home and wait for their call, as they would be calling me to let me know to go take my drug test.

So my tug of war with Ellie was interrupted by the phone call from the company, only it was not about the drug test, it was news that I did not need a drug test because the plant cancelled our job. So I am still unemployed. That was around 11ish or so. I called my mother to give her then news, then called Katheter and made lunch plans.

Katheter had to come collect me because mother was napping and parked behind me, and I live 2 blocks or less from the restaurant.
So we went to Tropics, they have seating inside and on a deck that is open aside from a few nets and some railing. But it has a nice view of the bay, and gulf beyond that, but who can see that far?

That is a little of what you can see from the patio at Tropics.

That beautiful bird was circling the restaurant, over the water and around the building then back over the water, it took a few shots before I got a decent picture of him.
It was a chilly day, I loved it, that's why I wanted to eat outside. And I can see cool shit like these gulls.

But Katheter was cold so the sissy complained the whole time and had to go get her jacket.

I took this shot of myself and Katheter complimented me on being an asshole for making her eat out there.

I celebrated the compliment with a high 5!

My food, fried catfish, fried shrimp and french fries and their bread rolls are awesome.
After getting the news that I had my weekend back I played pool all night that night. Here is a neat little shot that did not work out exactly right because the balls did not roll through track fast enough; they piled up at the end of the shot. That is why I called it a Train (wreck) they kinda piled up a bit at the end. So I caromed the 3 ball off of the cue ball into the pocket, it was so upsetting that I did not try it again.
you are the sweetest. Thank you

The quantity of drug-like paraphernalia in that store is mind boggling.