So I was not able to post last night as my fucking monitor died and I had to go fucking buy another. Then the gods damn christing video card died as well. I upgraded my video card about a year ago and I still had the old one so for now, I am using that. I was in the process of order a print from one of my SG favs when the deaths occurred. Apparently it was an overdose of beauty and hotness and I am lucky the motherboard did not have a heart attack as well. Surely if I had saved a copy of the image the hard drive would have burned out as well. They just could not handle it, I can so I am still going to get the print. Well! This post is covering the days of January the 28th-29th 2008. Now January the 28th was Dorsal Suicide's birthday. I got her a totally awesome card that I hope she has not already gotten. I cannot post it yet because it would fuck the surprise straight up. But this, I can show you.

That would be the ass end of the envelope containing the card. I sent it out complete with my official logo signed on the seal the fucking thing.

So that is Dorsal's card, as you can see by the name on it. My newest pen pal has trusted me with her address so I made a little cover for that.

And into the rusty but reliable mail box it went. It is now off to meet up with one of the most awesome Suicide Girls EVER! This is all true.

Oh yeah soooo as I mentioned previously this is the pool stick that I broke on a break shot. This is a house cue by the way.

And these are my cues. To start off the list from left to right we have Heresy, my McDermott Cue complete with an I3 shaft with a custom collar to match the original, compliments of McDermott themselves! Next to Heresy is my Viking Cue, Sodomy. I fell in love with her purple when I first laid my gods damned eyes on her and knew that I had to have her, now I do. She is equipped with her Predator Z shaft, because I love Predator technology. So why Sodomy you may wonder, because when I shoot with Sodomy, well someone is gonna get fucked! Following Sodomy is Malady, my Joss Cue, I have a Predator Z shaft for Malady as well but that is the original shaft in the picture. Now I have yet to name the Viking Cue on Malady's right, but she is gorgeous as you can see. And finally there is my Kangaroo Jump Cue, unnamed as well but generally referred to as that fucking midget.
Now these are the Hello Kitty bowling balls, from the Brunswick Viz-A-Ball line. They make me want to work on my bowling game (especially the pink one) so that I can out bowl some of the tough macho man fuckers that bowl in the league and think way too much of themselves. Not only would they have lost to a girly guy with long hair and a pink bowling ball but the pink bowling ball would be so extra cute and precious because well really thought how cute and precious is Hello Kitty? Yeah you don't even know.
So finally there was today, the 29th of January, same year from earlier. My older sister's birthday, she turned 25 as well. I called and left her a message, as I am never sure when to reach her because she is stationed in South Korea and the time difference is so massive. Aside from that, still no luck with the new job starting, lazy fucks I am beginning to think they are. Oh well, it would be a complete lie to say I am not enjoying this time off. So today I fixed the computer problem and went to practice. I practice for about two hours but did not get around to recording myself practicing anything worth seeing, damn the luck and maybe next time. So there was not anyone to gamble with tonight, fucking hell, I made no supplemental income, well at least not this time. I did also write a new poem, and it is most definitely going to be a part of my book. About the book, I think I may have already said that it is a collection of poetry by me, but I am sure that I have not yet said that I do not know how many to include in the collection. Should be a bore for those who like variety as my subject material is limited to things such as Hate, Violence, Pain, Death, Anger, Melancholy, Homicide, Suicide, Evil (as it may be seen as by some), Insomnia, Vengeance, Cannibalisms, my obsessions, my problems, feelings related to all of these things and pretty much things of that type nature, naturally, as this is the type of person that I am. I would include some of these poems in these blogs but I have copyright concerns. HAHAHA I would have had a publisher a couple of years ago but I told him to go fuck himself. He spent out dinner appointment going on about what the house could do for me and how great, brilliant, genius, awesome, I was and how great, brilliant, genius, and lyrically, structurally, rhythmically perfect some of the poems are. I think he was just trying to get my panties all drippy but hey you know how that goes. So anyway he said it was a stretch for his publishing house to put out my work so it would all have to have all of the profanity and other things that they did not like changed and edited out, that was when I told him to fuck himself. He said he wanted to get as many brilliant authors signed as he could before he sold the house, he has since then sold, without me. So I am not sure what he told who about me but no one else really wanted to meet with me after that. HAHAHAHA, he probably told them some horror story about me. Oh fuck it all, I was show a website that I can use to publish and I think that is the route I am going to go. I do not need him or them now that I have another solution. It will be prettier my way anyway so that's the way that it will be.

That would be the ass end of the envelope containing the card. I sent it out complete with my official logo signed on the seal the fucking thing.

So that is Dorsal's card, as you can see by the name on it. My newest pen pal has trusted me with her address so I made a little cover for that.

And into the rusty but reliable mail box it went. It is now off to meet up with one of the most awesome Suicide Girls EVER! This is all true.

Oh yeah soooo as I mentioned previously this is the pool stick that I broke on a break shot. This is a house cue by the way.

And these are my cues. To start off the list from left to right we have Heresy, my McDermott Cue complete with an I3 shaft with a custom collar to match the original, compliments of McDermott themselves! Next to Heresy is my Viking Cue, Sodomy. I fell in love with her purple when I first laid my gods damned eyes on her and knew that I had to have her, now I do. She is equipped with her Predator Z shaft, because I love Predator technology. So why Sodomy you may wonder, because when I shoot with Sodomy, well someone is gonna get fucked! Following Sodomy is Malady, my Joss Cue, I have a Predator Z shaft for Malady as well but that is the original shaft in the picture. Now I have yet to name the Viking Cue on Malady's right, but she is gorgeous as you can see. And finally there is my Kangaroo Jump Cue, unnamed as well but generally referred to as that fucking midget.
Now these are the Hello Kitty bowling balls, from the Brunswick Viz-A-Ball line. They make me want to work on my bowling game (especially the pink one) so that I can out bowl some of the tough macho man fuckers that bowl in the league and think way too much of themselves. Not only would they have lost to a girly guy with long hair and a pink bowling ball but the pink bowling ball would be so extra cute and precious because well really thought how cute and precious is Hello Kitty? Yeah you don't even know.
So finally there was today, the 29th of January, same year from earlier. My older sister's birthday, she turned 25 as well. I called and left her a message, as I am never sure when to reach her because she is stationed in South Korea and the time difference is so massive. Aside from that, still no luck with the new job starting, lazy fucks I am beginning to think they are. Oh well, it would be a complete lie to say I am not enjoying this time off. So today I fixed the computer problem and went to practice. I practice for about two hours but did not get around to recording myself practicing anything worth seeing, damn the luck and maybe next time. So there was not anyone to gamble with tonight, fucking hell, I made no supplemental income, well at least not this time. I did also write a new poem, and it is most definitely going to be a part of my book. About the book, I think I may have already said that it is a collection of poetry by me, but I am sure that I have not yet said that I do not know how many to include in the collection. Should be a bore for those who like variety as my subject material is limited to things such as Hate, Violence, Pain, Death, Anger, Melancholy, Homicide, Suicide, Evil (as it may be seen as by some), Insomnia, Vengeance, Cannibalisms, my obsessions, my problems, feelings related to all of these things and pretty much things of that type nature, naturally, as this is the type of person that I am. I would include some of these poems in these blogs but I have copyright concerns. HAHAHA I would have had a publisher a couple of years ago but I told him to go fuck himself. He spent out dinner appointment going on about what the house could do for me and how great, brilliant, genius, awesome, I was and how great, brilliant, genius, and lyrically, structurally, rhythmically perfect some of the poems are. I think he was just trying to get my panties all drippy but hey you know how that goes. So anyway he said it was a stretch for his publishing house to put out my work so it would all have to have all of the profanity and other things that they did not like changed and edited out, that was when I told him to fuck himself. He said he wanted to get as many brilliant authors signed as he could before he sold the house, he has since then sold, without me. So I am not sure what he told who about me but no one else really wanted to meet with me after that. HAHAHAHA, he probably told them some horror story about me. Oh fuck it all, I was show a website that I can use to publish and I think that is the route I am going to go. I do not need him or them now that I have another solution. It will be prettier my way anyway so that's the way that it will be.
Does that make you a cookie cock whore?