So this Friday was the 26th day of January 2008 and now you can have a gander at what I was up to. Beginning with; getting out of bed to check the mail. Finally I received my second of three w2s that I have been waiting on. So I called the last company to find out what the faggy Christ was going on and I was told that the forms are not usually mailed out until the last day of the month. "Oh well fuck me dead" was my response to that, then I closed the phone and tried to not be so upset of the situation. So after all of that shit my sister called me to let me know that she needed me to take her phone charger to her at work. And with much hesitation and delay I finally made it to her work place with the charger.

That would be her phone attached to the charger; she is hiding behind a selection of Texas Lottery tickets. I do not play them all; I am not at the point of addiction where I have to spend $10 or $20 or even $50 on a single fucking ticket. But I have seen many people do it, she has seen more as she deals with their shit all day long. So I have some somewhat interesting things to share from the store she works at. I will go in the order of my discoveries. Starting with this shit:

Now I am not sure who the fuck they are expecting to sell that shit to and I am even more at a loss when it comes to the price they are asking for the pieces; rather ridiculous isn't it? But hey hey hey now let us not forget...

...because that would be quite the shame. And because you already know that that was not enough religious gah gah to bother me with...

...but hey I already know that no home would be complete without them and that is why a fucking convenience store sells that shit.
And while I am on the topic of the shit they sell I have to mention the porn selection, it would be a terrible thing to keep from you.

They have dirtyzines as well as VHS and DVDs.

At least you could light a candle for the sins you just committed, abusing yourself that is, or whatever else you like to call masturbation.
My sister was kick ass enough to share this with me. It can be quite disturbing to the more tender minded.

So yeah I know what some of you are thinking, maybe "okay...?" "Or no big deal" Yeah well FUCK YOU because I already knew what you would say and because of this and my genius planning I have a close up for you.

And now that your further and closer inspection is complete you may as well be wondering something to the effect of WHAT THE FUCKING HELL KIND OF PEDOFILE FRIENDLY RAPE A CHILD IN A DRAINAGE TUNNEL SHIT IS THIS AND WHY THE FUCK WOULD ANYONE PUT IT ON A FUCKING DRINK LABEL!?!?!?!?!?!?! Well dear children you are not alone, because in my seemingly infinite knowledge of shit I can say that I do not exactly have an answer for that, aside from maybe the company saw something else in the picture. But as they lack my eyes and insight and perfect interpretation, they are wrong.
So fuck yeah enough about that we can advance a few minutes in the day to one of my favorite things ever THE SALON!!! I did not get anything done to myself but you know a girl like me just adores her gossip! You have seen it, so I do no feel a picture is necessary. Following the salon I went to get Chuck and took him to a car lot to have a look around and negotiate. All of our power negotiations and haggling and jewing dare I say? FUCKING RIGHT I DID! but what does it matter? No one reads the shit I waste my time writing. HAHA yeah we were hungry after that and we had Chinese. And for whatever reason it slipped my mind to take a picture at the fucking place. DAMN THE LUCK!!!!
After we were satiated we went to Lavaca Lanes to shoot pool and all that awesome shit I do. You have seen enough pictures of me doing that, FOR NOW! But what you have not seen is the old corpse here bowling. Yeah I know right? I talk about playing pool at a bowling alley but never bowling at a fucking bowling alley, well here it is.

The lanes.

The pretty (distracting) lights.

Even my fucking bowling shoes, NATURALLY they are rentals; I would never own anything so ugly, naturally.
Oh fuck I did not get a picture of the bowling balls I used, one was a pretty black and the other deserves elaboration. So it will have it. And even more than that I found it in my generosity to include a video of this ball in action, as well as the Reverend in action. Well as it would turn out my attention span falls short when I have to wait too long to take my turn at anything. The result is me looking around bored thinking of pretty things. And because I know that you are just dying to know what came to mind I am going to go into more detail. I could back up a few days but that would probably lessen the dramatic effect and spoil the surprise of it all. I can say that inspiration arrives at all times regardless of how odd the hour or important the event. Well I was inspired by a pretty pink bowling ball. It caught my eye as my vision bounced about the bowling alley associating this with that and these with those. Well the that for this pretty pink bowling ball (I like repetition and alliteration) was actually a fucking SG, Rin. Well the pink reminded me of her pink hair in her display photo on her profile (this is not creepy or stalkerish, just an example of how a beautiful mind works) and if you have not seen her you really should. So I got off my lazy ass to fetch this ball and roll it to greatness. I thought it would be appropriate to roll a strike for Rin for being such a fucking glam doll. So this roll was so fucking money (as you will hear) because I had made a bet with some fuck ass that I would roll a strike with the pink ball. I set my camera to video and positioned it on the ball return of the adjacent pair of lanes and pressed the record button. I dashed over to my lane, oh fuck it, here it is:

That would be her phone attached to the charger; she is hiding behind a selection of Texas Lottery tickets. I do not play them all; I am not at the point of addiction where I have to spend $10 or $20 or even $50 on a single fucking ticket. But I have seen many people do it, she has seen more as she deals with their shit all day long. So I have some somewhat interesting things to share from the store she works at. I will go in the order of my discoveries. Starting with this shit:

Now I am not sure who the fuck they are expecting to sell that shit to and I am even more at a loss when it comes to the price they are asking for the pieces; rather ridiculous isn't it? But hey hey hey now let us not forget...

...because that would be quite the shame. And because you already know that that was not enough religious gah gah to bother me with...

...but hey I already know that no home would be complete without them and that is why a fucking convenience store sells that shit.
And while I am on the topic of the shit they sell I have to mention the porn selection, it would be a terrible thing to keep from you.

They have dirtyzines as well as VHS and DVDs.

At least you could light a candle for the sins you just committed, abusing yourself that is, or whatever else you like to call masturbation.
My sister was kick ass enough to share this with me. It can be quite disturbing to the more tender minded.

So yeah I know what some of you are thinking, maybe "okay...?" "Or no big deal" Yeah well FUCK YOU because I already knew what you would say and because of this and my genius planning I have a close up for you.

And now that your further and closer inspection is complete you may as well be wondering something to the effect of WHAT THE FUCKING HELL KIND OF PEDOFILE FRIENDLY RAPE A CHILD IN A DRAINAGE TUNNEL SHIT IS THIS AND WHY THE FUCK WOULD ANYONE PUT IT ON A FUCKING DRINK LABEL!?!?!?!?!?!?! Well dear children you are not alone, because in my seemingly infinite knowledge of shit I can say that I do not exactly have an answer for that, aside from maybe the company saw something else in the picture. But as they lack my eyes and insight and perfect interpretation, they are wrong.
So fuck yeah enough about that we can advance a few minutes in the day to one of my favorite things ever THE SALON!!! I did not get anything done to myself but you know a girl like me just adores her gossip! You have seen it, so I do no feel a picture is necessary. Following the salon I went to get Chuck and took him to a car lot to have a look around and negotiate. All of our power negotiations and haggling and jewing dare I say? FUCKING RIGHT I DID! but what does it matter? No one reads the shit I waste my time writing. HAHA yeah we were hungry after that and we had Chinese. And for whatever reason it slipped my mind to take a picture at the fucking place. DAMN THE LUCK!!!!
After we were satiated we went to Lavaca Lanes to shoot pool and all that awesome shit I do. You have seen enough pictures of me doing that, FOR NOW! But what you have not seen is the old corpse here bowling. Yeah I know right? I talk about playing pool at a bowling alley but never bowling at a fucking bowling alley, well here it is.

The lanes.

The pretty (distracting) lights.

Even my fucking bowling shoes, NATURALLY they are rentals; I would never own anything so ugly, naturally.
Oh fuck I did not get a picture of the bowling balls I used, one was a pretty black and the other deserves elaboration. So it will have it. And even more than that I found it in my generosity to include a video of this ball in action, as well as the Reverend in action. Well as it would turn out my attention span falls short when I have to wait too long to take my turn at anything. The result is me looking around bored thinking of pretty things. And because I know that you are just dying to know what came to mind I am going to go into more detail. I could back up a few days but that would probably lessen the dramatic effect and spoil the surprise of it all. I can say that inspiration arrives at all times regardless of how odd the hour or important the event. Well I was inspired by a pretty pink bowling ball. It caught my eye as my vision bounced about the bowling alley associating this with that and these with those. Well the that for this pretty pink bowling ball (I like repetition and alliteration) was actually a fucking SG, Rin. Well the pink reminded me of her pink hair in her display photo on her profile (this is not creepy or stalkerish, just an example of how a beautiful mind works) and if you have not seen her you really should. So I got off my lazy ass to fetch this ball and roll it to greatness. I thought it would be appropriate to roll a strike for Rin for being such a fucking glam doll. So this roll was so fucking money (as you will hear) because I had made a bet with some fuck ass that I would roll a strike with the pink ball. I set my camera to video and positioned it on the ball return of the adjacent pair of lanes and pressed the record button. I dashed over to my lane, oh fuck it, here it is:
One of my friends used to collect those religious candles when we'd go buy beer (they cost something less than buck at our corner store). He ended up with quite a collection on the patio.