Well this is going to cover two days as the first day I never got around to posting it and the second day when I did attempt to upload photos, photobucket was being a whore on her back at her OBGYN, down for maintenance. So to cover Wednesday the 23rd day of January 2008 and the Thursday that follows, I present to you, for your viewing and reading pleasure (this is assuming literacy of course and if you are not keep in your little mind what the fuck the Christing pictures are for!) Enjoy
Wednesday when I was finished allowing my body to rest in the sleepless manner that it does rest I went to see my sister at work. I had to buy some lottery tickets. It is just fun to do so, for the both of us, I will buy 5 or 6 at a time and we both scratch them to see what kind of cash we will win. As that is the thing to do with tickets as such, go figure.
So this is the first wave of tickets I purchased, the following waves did not get photographed, as I was caught up in the frenzied excitement that is legal gambling; fucking hell.
So this lucky 7's was quite lucky for me as I scratched the playing area to reveal all 7's. The photo is shit, the camera focused then blurred for the final shot, oh well; I still have the original ticket in my cue case as a good luck charm. Superstition can be fun. The only bad thing about getting all 7's is that the prizes were only $1 per 7, and for those of you challenged by counting and other basic math skills- There were 6 7's winning $1 each making it $6 in total. 6 more lottery tickets that was, I won a few more dollars here and there and got caught up in the cycle of win and buy another until the winning stops. That must be the trap that habitual lottery players get caught in: always playing again until they win big, only to never fucking win big, my gods what a scam.
So then on a side note, which is not exactly off to the side, as I write these entries I catch glimpses of my enormous talent for running a sentence on. This is not my specific area of writing so my grammar is not going to be as perfect as some may like, but I like the feel that it gives the entries, and what I like is what counts now isn't it? Yeah probably not considering it is for others to read, but I am an asshole and I will do as I please.
Now getting right back into it- after the lottery ticket fun was all finished it was quitting time for my sister. Now this was the other reason I went and go to her job as much as I do, picking her up from work. Yes I know I am an AMAZINGLY awesome brother. So I took her to our friend Holli's place. And forced them to have their picture taken with me for my little project here, which completely destroys LetticeMail.
And here we have the old Corpse, I was wearing 8 rings on 7 fingers, and in the middle is my younger sister Brittney with Holli next to her on the right. I will get more into Holli when I get into Thursday.
The remainder of Wednesday night was for the most part uneventful. Well maybe not so much uneventful as monotonous, and who does want to be bored with that? Surely me suffering with my monotonous life is bad enough without forcing others to endure it, but as it has been said, Misery loves company. NOW YOU HAVE IT! The rest of Wednesday was me going home to make dinner for my grandparents. This was followed by me once again deciding that I am not hungry for the meal I have just prepared and skipping dinner to go play pool. This night was pool with Katheter for about an hour because she had lame choir practice at her super gay church. Sad I know. So, Katheter will finally be pictured when I get to Thursday. And after pool I went home to give my cousin this ugly Old Navy jacket I got for his son. It made my cousin happy because he knows how much I hate kids but now thinks I love his son, naturally I denied this love but I cannot convince everyone. Soooo FUCK!!!! It was SG chat and writing after my cousin left. The book is coming along beautifully, that is if you are into what the book is about, and if it is not your thing then FUCK YOU!!! It is still beautiful!!
Thursday, well well now Thursday has considerably more pictures than Wednesday for the simple reason that Thursday had more going on that Wednesday. Gods damn the luck.
Thursday I bathed one of our dogs so he could come in the house for a while and hang out with the rest of us. So our Chihuahua, Chico, spent the night indoors last night. We got him from a friend's sister, she was going to take him to the pound because her fucking children were always hitting and kicking him. Take the children to the orphanage until they realize that it sucks to be treated like that. We have had him for a while now and he is completely different than he was when we first got him. Now he is playful and not afraid of people.
I am drying him off and he was trying to shake and squirm and jump and turn (salta, salta, gira, gira) because he wanted to go roll around on my blankets to dry off. When I first put him in the bath tub he jumped out before I could get the fucking dog shampoo. And he was trying to get out again after I put him back in there. So he was being a bit wild attempting daring escapes that involved running up the wall and jumping past me, well he did that until he felt how warm the water was, and then his attitude changed. He seemed to relax as he settled down to enjoy the warm water and the scrubbing. What a little shit he is. I dried him off and he dashed over to my bed to roll in my blankets. I had to snatch him up and get the blow dryer on him. Well he had loads of fun I will say.
After all of the fun and games with the dogs it was about 1:30 pm. So I got in the car and drove to the old job site. I called to find out what time my check would be available.
So I turned in my badge in exchange for this:
That just happens to be my last check. Now if one was to look at the expression on my face one might be silly enough to ASSume that I was upset about this being my last check. This is not the case, naturally. No no children I was upset for another reason, frustrated is another very accurate word to describe the way I was feeling after being delayed well over 20 minutes by this cunt:
That seemed to stretch out for an excessive length.
Now I sat through 4 of my favorite Opera arias so I will say that the 20+ minutes was not completely torturous. Only a bit. Well enough to frustrate me to the point of the expression in the picture.
After the badge, check, train I finally made it to the bank to get my fucking money!! I then drove down the street to pay my internet bill. The rain and gotten heavy enough that I did not want to take my camera out to document proof of these events; you will just have to trust what I write this time. After the able bill I again picked up my sister from work and took her to Holli's place. AND HERE IS THE FUCKING PROOF!!!!
My sister, Xavier Ryan whatever the fuck his last name is, and Holli. Now as promised, more about Holli. Holli was supposed to name that kid of hers, Xavier Ryan after the prettiest corpse you ever fell in love and lust with, ME (naturally) but did not. Our deal was simple, I secured for her 2 tickets to see the God of Fuck, the Anti-Christ Superstar, the most beautiful sexy gorgeous pure sex most awesome man and band ever to exist_MARILYN MANSON!!!!!! (maybe that needed to be hyphenated but I am not so sure on the rule for that so fuck it, it stays how it is) Now in return for me making this event of a lifetime (the Lest We Forget tour) possible for her and her boyfriend, she was to pay me for the tickets and name her first born child after me. Now then that means that when she got pregnant the next year and Xavier Ryan blah blah fucking lame name ugly kid was born he should have been named Brian Jr. BUT NO!!!! SHE HAD TO GO BE A FUCKING CUNT ABOUT IT. So I can never forgive her. So terrible that is for her.
After again forcing them to be in my photo journal I went home. I pulled into the drive way to be greeted by this sight:
Now this would be my older sister Drucilla's German Shepherd, Charlie and my younger sister Brittney's whatever dog, Betty. I thought that this was hilarious so I called Brittney to tell her and she got pissed off because we have enough dogs and she didn't want Betty to have puppies. Then I called Drucilla and left her a message, she is stationed in South Korea and the time difference is considerable. Then I called my mother to let her know that she was going to be getting her wish for another dog in a couple of months, if she could wait that long, then I explained why and she laughed and said Charlie is neutered. So I thought that was funny as hell. A couple of hours later Drucilla was getting up to go to work and checked her messages and called me back to say that Charlie was fixed so Betty could not have gotten pregnant. HAHAHA so I told her well hell, I did not know that he was neutered until mother told me. Then I said well old Chuck is shooting blanks but gods damn it if he is not still shooting. So then I had this thought that well if he is neutered maybe he is not shooting blanks_but that is okay because a gun is just as effective empty as it is loaded when you do not have to pull the trigger. Think about it, you can wave around an empty gun and have the same effect on people as gun that is loaded. Either way you can get the job done.
This is Holli in uniform, stopping by the house so Brittney can do whatever, I forgot what she needed to do, but she was going to baby-sit for Holli while Holli was at work. When Brittney got home she told me to go take a picture of Holli in uniform so we could laugh at her later, as you can see, I did. Then I told Brittney the good news about Charlie's gun not having any ammunition. We both laughed, haha, hahaha, HA!!
I made my grandparents hamburgers for dinner and delivered it right away, because Charlie, my friend not my sister's dog, had called me and wanted me to come shoot a few games of pool with him until it was time for him to warm up for bowling league. So I took dinner over and shot over to the bowling alley and met up with Chuck so I could spank that fucking ass as I always do, naturally. And on top of all of this it was Katheter's first night working at the bowling alley.
Katheter's first order was to deliver my chilidog. So I thought it would be fun to record the event here and it also worked out so you now have a face to associate with Katheter.
Charlie's ass got tired of getting spanked so fucking hard so he went to get a few practice games in before the league matches commenced. I practiced a few drills alone. Then someone came up and challenged me. So I played him and because I was called out like I was I could not cut him any slack, at all!!!
And not to worry, I was given permission by this kid's parents to take this picture and include it here. This is Michael, he is my friend AJ's son. He is 5 from what his father told me. He always wants to play pool with me or just put the balls in the rack. Did you notice the blue chalk on his finger? Well he can't shoot with a stick yet because they are too long and that makes it way too awkward for someone his size. Because of this I let him push the cue ball with his hand. So I wanted to see if he would go for it so I said hey Michael do you want some chalk for your finger. And I showed him my chalk. And he got all excited, yeah yeah Brian give me some chalk. So I chalked his finger. And for the rest of the night he was saying hey Brian Brian give me some more chalk, I need more chalk. HAHAHA so I kept chalking his finger up and he thought that it was helping! He wasn't even using the finger that had chalk on it; he was pushing the ball with that finger pointing up. That was some funny shit.
From the bowling alley I came back home to upload these pictures to make this entry but we already know how that turned out. But hey what are you crying about? It is here now. You can stop cutting yourself, well stop for now at least, I do appreciate the acts of morbid faith, as the God of Fuck might say. So far I can say that Friday seems to be too boring for me to make an entry about. And the rest of the weekend does not seem to be shaping up into anything very fabulous either. We will all have to wait and see. FUCKING HELL gods fucking damn that luck there, naturally.
Wednesday when I was finished allowing my body to rest in the sleepless manner that it does rest I went to see my sister at work. I had to buy some lottery tickets. It is just fun to do so, for the both of us, I will buy 5 or 6 at a time and we both scratch them to see what kind of cash we will win. As that is the thing to do with tickets as such, go figure.

So this is the first wave of tickets I purchased, the following waves did not get photographed, as I was caught up in the frenzied excitement that is legal gambling; fucking hell.

So this lucky 7's was quite lucky for me as I scratched the playing area to reveal all 7's. The photo is shit, the camera focused then blurred for the final shot, oh well; I still have the original ticket in my cue case as a good luck charm. Superstition can be fun. The only bad thing about getting all 7's is that the prizes were only $1 per 7, and for those of you challenged by counting and other basic math skills- There were 6 7's winning $1 each making it $6 in total. 6 more lottery tickets that was, I won a few more dollars here and there and got caught up in the cycle of win and buy another until the winning stops. That must be the trap that habitual lottery players get caught in: always playing again until they win big, only to never fucking win big, my gods what a scam.
So then on a side note, which is not exactly off to the side, as I write these entries I catch glimpses of my enormous talent for running a sentence on. This is not my specific area of writing so my grammar is not going to be as perfect as some may like, but I like the feel that it gives the entries, and what I like is what counts now isn't it? Yeah probably not considering it is for others to read, but I am an asshole and I will do as I please.
Now getting right back into it- after the lottery ticket fun was all finished it was quitting time for my sister. Now this was the other reason I went and go to her job as much as I do, picking her up from work. Yes I know I am an AMAZINGLY awesome brother. So I took her to our friend Holli's place. And forced them to have their picture taken with me for my little project here, which completely destroys LetticeMail.

And here we have the old Corpse, I was wearing 8 rings on 7 fingers, and in the middle is my younger sister Brittney with Holli next to her on the right. I will get more into Holli when I get into Thursday.
The remainder of Wednesday night was for the most part uneventful. Well maybe not so much uneventful as monotonous, and who does want to be bored with that? Surely me suffering with my monotonous life is bad enough without forcing others to endure it, but as it has been said, Misery loves company. NOW YOU HAVE IT! The rest of Wednesday was me going home to make dinner for my grandparents. This was followed by me once again deciding that I am not hungry for the meal I have just prepared and skipping dinner to go play pool. This night was pool with Katheter for about an hour because she had lame choir practice at her super gay church. Sad I know. So, Katheter will finally be pictured when I get to Thursday. And after pool I went home to give my cousin this ugly Old Navy jacket I got for his son. It made my cousin happy because he knows how much I hate kids but now thinks I love his son, naturally I denied this love but I cannot convince everyone. Soooo FUCK!!!! It was SG chat and writing after my cousin left. The book is coming along beautifully, that is if you are into what the book is about, and if it is not your thing then FUCK YOU!!! It is still beautiful!!
Thursday, well well now Thursday has considerably more pictures than Wednesday for the simple reason that Thursday had more going on that Wednesday. Gods damn the luck.
Thursday I bathed one of our dogs so he could come in the house for a while and hang out with the rest of us. So our Chihuahua, Chico, spent the night indoors last night. We got him from a friend's sister, she was going to take him to the pound because her fucking children were always hitting and kicking him. Take the children to the orphanage until they realize that it sucks to be treated like that. We have had him for a while now and he is completely different than he was when we first got him. Now he is playful and not afraid of people.

I am drying him off and he was trying to shake and squirm and jump and turn (salta, salta, gira, gira) because he wanted to go roll around on my blankets to dry off. When I first put him in the bath tub he jumped out before I could get the fucking dog shampoo. And he was trying to get out again after I put him back in there. So he was being a bit wild attempting daring escapes that involved running up the wall and jumping past me, well he did that until he felt how warm the water was, and then his attitude changed. He seemed to relax as he settled down to enjoy the warm water and the scrubbing. What a little shit he is. I dried him off and he dashed over to my bed to roll in my blankets. I had to snatch him up and get the blow dryer on him. Well he had loads of fun I will say.
After all of the fun and games with the dogs it was about 1:30 pm. So I got in the car and drove to the old job site. I called to find out what time my check would be available.

So I turned in my badge in exchange for this:

That just happens to be my last check. Now if one was to look at the expression on my face one might be silly enough to ASSume that I was upset about this being my last check. This is not the case, naturally. No no children I was upset for another reason, frustrated is another very accurate word to describe the way I was feeling after being delayed well over 20 minutes by this cunt:

That seemed to stretch out for an excessive length.

Now I sat through 4 of my favorite Opera arias so I will say that the 20+ minutes was not completely torturous. Only a bit. Well enough to frustrate me to the point of the expression in the picture.
After the badge, check, train I finally made it to the bank to get my fucking money!! I then drove down the street to pay my internet bill. The rain and gotten heavy enough that I did not want to take my camera out to document proof of these events; you will just have to trust what I write this time. After the able bill I again picked up my sister from work and took her to Holli's place. AND HERE IS THE FUCKING PROOF!!!!

My sister, Xavier Ryan whatever the fuck his last name is, and Holli. Now as promised, more about Holli. Holli was supposed to name that kid of hers, Xavier Ryan after the prettiest corpse you ever fell in love and lust with, ME (naturally) but did not. Our deal was simple, I secured for her 2 tickets to see the God of Fuck, the Anti-Christ Superstar, the most beautiful sexy gorgeous pure sex most awesome man and band ever to exist_MARILYN MANSON!!!!!! (maybe that needed to be hyphenated but I am not so sure on the rule for that so fuck it, it stays how it is) Now in return for me making this event of a lifetime (the Lest We Forget tour) possible for her and her boyfriend, she was to pay me for the tickets and name her first born child after me. Now then that means that when she got pregnant the next year and Xavier Ryan blah blah fucking lame name ugly kid was born he should have been named Brian Jr. BUT NO!!!! SHE HAD TO GO BE A FUCKING CUNT ABOUT IT. So I can never forgive her. So terrible that is for her.
After again forcing them to be in my photo journal I went home. I pulled into the drive way to be greeted by this sight:

Now this would be my older sister Drucilla's German Shepherd, Charlie and my younger sister Brittney's whatever dog, Betty. I thought that this was hilarious so I called Brittney to tell her and she got pissed off because we have enough dogs and she didn't want Betty to have puppies. Then I called Drucilla and left her a message, she is stationed in South Korea and the time difference is considerable. Then I called my mother to let her know that she was going to be getting her wish for another dog in a couple of months, if she could wait that long, then I explained why and she laughed and said Charlie is neutered. So I thought that was funny as hell. A couple of hours later Drucilla was getting up to go to work and checked her messages and called me back to say that Charlie was fixed so Betty could not have gotten pregnant. HAHAHA so I told her well hell, I did not know that he was neutered until mother told me. Then I said well old Chuck is shooting blanks but gods damn it if he is not still shooting. So then I had this thought that well if he is neutered maybe he is not shooting blanks_but that is okay because a gun is just as effective empty as it is loaded when you do not have to pull the trigger. Think about it, you can wave around an empty gun and have the same effect on people as gun that is loaded. Either way you can get the job done.

This is Holli in uniform, stopping by the house so Brittney can do whatever, I forgot what she needed to do, but she was going to baby-sit for Holli while Holli was at work. When Brittney got home she told me to go take a picture of Holli in uniform so we could laugh at her later, as you can see, I did. Then I told Brittney the good news about Charlie's gun not having any ammunition. We both laughed, haha, hahaha, HA!!
I made my grandparents hamburgers for dinner and delivered it right away, because Charlie, my friend not my sister's dog, had called me and wanted me to come shoot a few games of pool with him until it was time for him to warm up for bowling league. So I took dinner over and shot over to the bowling alley and met up with Chuck so I could spank that fucking ass as I always do, naturally. And on top of all of this it was Katheter's first night working at the bowling alley.

Katheter's first order was to deliver my chilidog. So I thought it would be fun to record the event here and it also worked out so you now have a face to associate with Katheter.
Charlie's ass got tired of getting spanked so fucking hard so he went to get a few practice games in before the league matches commenced. I practiced a few drills alone. Then someone came up and challenged me. So I played him and because I was called out like I was I could not cut him any slack, at all!!!

And not to worry, I was given permission by this kid's parents to take this picture and include it here. This is Michael, he is my friend AJ's son. He is 5 from what his father told me. He always wants to play pool with me or just put the balls in the rack. Did you notice the blue chalk on his finger? Well he can't shoot with a stick yet because they are too long and that makes it way too awkward for someone his size. Because of this I let him push the cue ball with his hand. So I wanted to see if he would go for it so I said hey Michael do you want some chalk for your finger. And I showed him my chalk. And he got all excited, yeah yeah Brian give me some chalk. So I chalked his finger. And for the rest of the night he was saying hey Brian Brian give me some more chalk, I need more chalk. HAHAHA so I kept chalking his finger up and he thought that it was helping! He wasn't even using the finger that had chalk on it; he was pushing the ball with that finger pointing up. That was some funny shit.
From the bowling alley I came back home to upload these pictures to make this entry but we already know how that turned out. But hey what are you crying about? It is here now. You can stop cutting yourself, well stop for now at least, I do appreciate the acts of morbid faith, as the God of Fuck might say. So far I can say that Friday seems to be too boring for me to make an entry about. And the rest of the weekend does not seem to be shaping up into anything very fabulous either. We will all have to wait and see. FUCKING HELL gods fucking damn that luck there, naturally.
I suppose that theory would work *if* I had gay male friends 

I totally Lol'ed