So then it is officially Saturday morning, but this is about Friday. I woke up at fucking 5 am as is the routine for a work day. Only today (Friday the 18th of January 2008) I decided that my bed was too comfortable, my sheets feel too soft and I feel too tired of everyfuckingthing that I do not like about work. So I called in and quit.

So this is me in bed leaving the message that I will no longer be returning to work.
So now that my weekend has been extended and I was actually sleeping more than 45 minutes to an hour a night-- I can sleep late. This is welcomed as I have not been sleeping much at all since October- for reasons I do not wish to get into. You could say that I prefer to not reopen the wound, but in response I would say the wound has not healed, and well now just would what is the point of picking at it? I do wonder. So then back to the extension of my weekend, I started my weekend by getting sleep. When I was done sleeping I drove down to see my sister at work and buy lottery tickets because fucking I love to gamble because its just fucking fun.

When I was finished not winning bags of money I went to the liquor store that I used to work at to talk with the owner. She is a very good friend of mine, we consider each other family. Surely I will get into that later, but for now this is about my day. I thought quitting my job would be a good time to start a little photo journal or whatever the fucking Christ you wanna call it. See the idea I first had was to tell the story with pictures, pictures with a caption briefing explaining what is going on. But thinking about it now I do not know what the fuck could have ever made me think that that would work with me because I know how much I love to talk. So naturally there is no way that it would happen without me stuffing the journal full of text. Moving onIt was raining when I went to the liquor store and I had so much to talk to my friend about that I did not think to take a picture, this is my first entry in this thing (as you might have noticed) so I will work the kinks out later, naturally kink has its place in a bedroom, among other places but who has time to get into that? So because apparently or according to many I am such a girl one of my favorite things to do is getting all dolled up at the salon, getting my hair done and all that fun stuff. So fuck me dead if today was not another miserably cold and windy wet rainy day. I love this weather but it means that getting my hair done is pretty well pointless because it will frizz out again, gods fucking damn the luck.

And we have a picture of the rain. This happens to be the very same rain that ruined my salon day. Yes God would pick one of my salon days to piss on us. So these lovely palm trees and everything else is getting covered with the Urine Divine. (it rhymes the way I say it, hahaha!)

This is my friend Rita's salon- Do or Dye
And I went to the fucking salon anyway to visit with everyone there who loves their dear old uncle Brian.

So this is me in the chair not getting my hair done. I took this by placing the camera on the station counter and aiming at myself through the mirror, watching the display to avoid the camera-in-hand-reflection-shot, or what the shit ever you want to know it as. The shutter delay worked out so that I could sit back into position- yay for that.

After leaving the salon I went home pick up my cues and headed over to the bowling alley to play pool until they closed, 7 hours this time. Just so you know, I was not playing pool the entire time, I did leave for a spell to have dinner with Katherine and Alyssa before returning to the bowling alley to play pool and wait for the big mouth prick that was telling me that he is going to "smash my ass" at $150 a game. I did not play him the night before because he was shitty ass drunk and belligerent. And even though I do not mind stabbing a lesser species, I am aware of these ridiculous little things people call laws that say it is illegal for me to do so. Damn the luck again. Had Chinese food by the way, Sesame chicken, steamed rice, stir-fried shrimp, won ton soup, and ice cream for dessert. Hahaha, and of course sweetened Dr. Pepper, I add more sugar than most would dream of doing, I enjoy the added flavor and texture. It is a bit more fun to chew my drink. I did not leave the bowling alley until well after midnight and slightly before 1 am. When I wrap all of this up I will work on my book and probably browse the beauty that is SuicideGirls. Then go to bed. Now one might make the assumption that it is a beauty sleep thing, and though I have no reason to be I am quite vain. But no no dear child it is not a beauty sleep issue, I enjoy my new sheets so much that I like to do them a favor and let them feel beautiful for a while. Or sexy or whatever else they consider me to be. We disagree on that constantly because I usually refuse to take a compliment. So after all of my blah blah I know that most of this will not make much sense to you, but naturally it makes perfect sense to me, because I know me and chances are that tragically-you do not. Oh gods motherfucking damn the luck. You can always change that. And if I am not too lazy I can post again and maybe provide a few more pieces to the puzzle and perchance give a bit more understanding as to what I am. And in the course of it all, shed a bit more light on this incredible waste of your time. So after all of the word padding and fluff that I enjoy using (for my own reasons) haha, I will say that what I am trying to say is, stop by for the next installment and you will probably get a clearer gander at the larger picture. Quite the pretty one I will confess it is when you are staring this direction. So enjoy.

So this is me in bed leaving the message that I will no longer be returning to work.
So now that my weekend has been extended and I was actually sleeping more than 45 minutes to an hour a night-- I can sleep late. This is welcomed as I have not been sleeping much at all since October- for reasons I do not wish to get into. You could say that I prefer to not reopen the wound, but in response I would say the wound has not healed, and well now just would what is the point of picking at it? I do wonder. So then back to the extension of my weekend, I started my weekend by getting sleep. When I was done sleeping I drove down to see my sister at work and buy lottery tickets because fucking I love to gamble because its just fucking fun.

When I was finished not winning bags of money I went to the liquor store that I used to work at to talk with the owner. She is a very good friend of mine, we consider each other family. Surely I will get into that later, but for now this is about my day. I thought quitting my job would be a good time to start a little photo journal or whatever the fucking Christ you wanna call it. See the idea I first had was to tell the story with pictures, pictures with a caption briefing explaining what is going on. But thinking about it now I do not know what the fuck could have ever made me think that that would work with me because I know how much I love to talk. So naturally there is no way that it would happen without me stuffing the journal full of text. Moving onIt was raining when I went to the liquor store and I had so much to talk to my friend about that I did not think to take a picture, this is my first entry in this thing (as you might have noticed) so I will work the kinks out later, naturally kink has its place in a bedroom, among other places but who has time to get into that? So because apparently or according to many I am such a girl one of my favorite things to do is getting all dolled up at the salon, getting my hair done and all that fun stuff. So fuck me dead if today was not another miserably cold and windy wet rainy day. I love this weather but it means that getting my hair done is pretty well pointless because it will frizz out again, gods fucking damn the luck.

And we have a picture of the rain. This happens to be the very same rain that ruined my salon day. Yes God would pick one of my salon days to piss on us. So these lovely palm trees and everything else is getting covered with the Urine Divine. (it rhymes the way I say it, hahaha!)

This is my friend Rita's salon- Do or Dye
And I went to the fucking salon anyway to visit with everyone there who loves their dear old uncle Brian.

So this is me in the chair not getting my hair done. I took this by placing the camera on the station counter and aiming at myself through the mirror, watching the display to avoid the camera-in-hand-reflection-shot, or what the shit ever you want to know it as. The shutter delay worked out so that I could sit back into position- yay for that.

After leaving the salon I went home pick up my cues and headed over to the bowling alley to play pool until they closed, 7 hours this time. Just so you know, I was not playing pool the entire time, I did leave for a spell to have dinner with Katherine and Alyssa before returning to the bowling alley to play pool and wait for the big mouth prick that was telling me that he is going to "smash my ass" at $150 a game. I did not play him the night before because he was shitty ass drunk and belligerent. And even though I do not mind stabbing a lesser species, I am aware of these ridiculous little things people call laws that say it is illegal for me to do so. Damn the luck again. Had Chinese food by the way, Sesame chicken, steamed rice, stir-fried shrimp, won ton soup, and ice cream for dessert. Hahaha, and of course sweetened Dr. Pepper, I add more sugar than most would dream of doing, I enjoy the added flavor and texture. It is a bit more fun to chew my drink. I did not leave the bowling alley until well after midnight and slightly before 1 am. When I wrap all of this up I will work on my book and probably browse the beauty that is SuicideGirls. Then go to bed. Now one might make the assumption that it is a beauty sleep thing, and though I have no reason to be I am quite vain. But no no dear child it is not a beauty sleep issue, I enjoy my new sheets so much that I like to do them a favor and let them feel beautiful for a while. Or sexy or whatever else they consider me to be. We disagree on that constantly because I usually refuse to take a compliment. So after all of my blah blah I know that most of this will not make much sense to you, but naturally it makes perfect sense to me, because I know me and chances are that tragically-you do not. Oh gods motherfucking damn the luck. You can always change that. And if I am not too lazy I can post again and maybe provide a few more pieces to the puzzle and perchance give a bit more understanding as to what I am. And in the course of it all, shed a bit more light on this incredible waste of your time. So after all of the word padding and fluff that I enjoy using (for my own reasons) haha, I will say that what I am trying to say is, stop by for the next installment and you will probably get a clearer gander at the larger picture. Quite the pretty one I will confess it is when you are staring this direction. So enjoy.