i'm fukkin tired as shit... i had to cut the grass in 45 degree weather, and work was a bitch. i wanna get tanked and screw.. nothing to screw, and idunn wanna drink alone.
none of my regular girls updated their journals yet so i'm done here for the night, prolly..
love, peace and afro grease.. ba-kaa!

No one knows yet. he autopsy is gonna be on sunday

America. America. America Fuck Yeah.
Comin' again to save the motherfucking day, yeah.
America, fuck yeah!

Freedom is the only way, yeah.
Terrorist your game is through
'cause now you have to answer to America, fuck yeah.
So lick my butt and suck on my balls.
America, fuck yeah.

What ya gonna do when we come fo' you now?
It's the dream...
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haha... I haven't heard that song from Orgazmo in forever! I laughed my ass off the first time I heard it.
Oh shit! look at my profile and i got friends!! fukk yeah! i'm movin' on up to the east side.. to a deluxe apartment in the sky!
work was nutty and adventureous.. i'm ready to fight someone.. not out of anger.. but pent up emotion and testerone.. and too much energy and pent up DNA.. need to hit something.. i punch shit everyday.. i need...
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damn.. shit.. son of a bitch.. mutha fukka!
ha! i jest!
i have nothing to say really.. i officially have my first friend on sg.. kasara, or i as i like to call her, hottie k.
i'm pending for my boy, akira and the wonderful, jem.
finding friends one day at a time..
ha ha.. what a day! i gotta go help family move.. it's always fun. i'm a fukkin' pack horse, so idunn mind. it just cuts down on my alone time.
i'm prolly gonna write an entry later, too.. idunno.. no commitments!
man, what's up with slackin', ladies? most of the girls journals i regularly view haven't updated in a while. that doesn't make me happy. happiness is feeling like the girls care.
jem is wanna be buddy. i think she's cool. she's like a hot nerdy chick that i have a lot in common with. she rocks.. idunno why i typed all that.. "ha ha.. awkward!"...
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alright. i'm here and in a good mood. i feel a lil'... uh... well.. for lack of better word.. frisky..
i hate that word.. it sounds too odd. but it's the best synanym i had.
so yeah.. kinda horny, flirty, smily, happy, and energetic.

i think i'm going to listen to music.. music is my friend and my mood enhancer...
what shall i listen to?...
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man! freakin harvey birdman isn't on tonight! i love that show.. "ha ha.. awkward!" i think i need to buy stuff from jem. her stuff looks cool and i know a girl that would love her stuff.. i would cool cause i'd make two hot girls happy.
haha... physically or mentally? I can only guarantee one!
i swear i've been here since october 29th... i just haven't updated for one reason or another.. i've been like a fly on the wall.. i'm a uh.. secret shopper type.. i'm a liar.. but i have been here. i've showing stupid conservative people the sg... and i got a lot of "idunn get it." and "you think this is hot?" people are close minded...
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yay. weekend time! i'm kinda drunk. please ignore misspellings. i love sg. please realize this.

I hear Jem's are most truimphant humans. wink

[Edited on Nov 01, 2004 1:25PM]