Behold!! the awesomeness that is Versachi!!
yeah right, their not mine. if you look closely you will nottice minnimal diffrences between them and mine. suck it versachi.
so iv put together a rather lengthy list of suppliments, pills, foods, whatever that iv started to get into in order to gain some more size. which means a decrease in my consumption of adult beverages for the next month, month plus. so well see how that works out
Im still convinced their gatting ready to phase me out of work soon. they didnt send me to get recertified to teach cpr. and im not working on boats either. hhhhmmmmmm? could this be the end of me...
what i really want at my parents place is a space i could really paint in. put something down and not have to worry about getting a mess everywhere. im feeling creatively stiffled.
that and i cant take a smoke break at my leisure.
an in closing, thank you to annie and snow for having sets go up that i actually cared to look at and enjoyed.
later days.
Sorry for the long delay in updating! You can thank the Bush Administration for making BME illegal and forcing us to do an emergency move out of California back to Canada for the downtime. I've got lots of good stuff buffered though so you can expect plenty of postings over the next couple weeks. Enjoy today's update, almsot all in BME/HARD's bonus sections.
So whats up with BME getting outlawed in the states? thats all the info thus far. wish canada was warmer

so iv put together a rather lengthy list of suppliments, pills, foods, whatever that iv started to get into in order to gain some more size. which means a decrease in my consumption of adult beverages for the next month, month plus. so well see how that works out
Im still convinced their gatting ready to phase me out of work soon. they didnt send me to get recertified to teach cpr. and im not working on boats either. hhhhmmmmmm? could this be the end of me...

what i really want at my parents place is a space i could really paint in. put something down and not have to worry about getting a mess everywhere. im feeling creatively stiffled.
that and i cant take a smoke break at my leisure.
an in closing, thank you to annie and snow for having sets go up that i actually cared to look at and enjoyed.
later days.
Sorry for the long delay in updating! You can thank the Bush Administration for making BME illegal and forcing us to do an emergency move out of California back to Canada for the downtime. I've got lots of good stuff buffered though so you can expect plenty of postings over the next couple weeks. Enjoy today's update, almsot all in BME/HARD's bonus sections.
So whats up with BME getting outlawed in the states? thats all the info thus far. wish canada was warmer
believe me, i did not find out he was married until way after the fact. he actually lives in your neck of the woods... fuckers.
watch the whole "size" thing..i saw this show on TLC the other night with women body builders...seriously, i thought the were dudes with boobs.