Well, that was pretty much a bust. Asside from my girl being down and a few choice presents from people this year seemed to lack much thoughfullness on many peoples parts.
And then Im forced to drive over 2 1/2 hours to see relatives I dont even talk to. i spent the entire time in the basement reading.
aoh whats that? all my aunts/unckles buy my sister presants and nothing for me. Suprise Suprise. At least my grandmother rembers me. God bless her heart.
Checked my grades for this semester last night. BAD idea.
This has been one of the worst years, and I can't wait to turn the callanders page.
And then Im forced to drive over 2 1/2 hours to see relatives I dont even talk to. i spent the entire time in the basement reading.
aoh whats that? all my aunts/unckles buy my sister presants and nothing for me. Suprise Suprise. At least my grandmother rembers me. God bless her heart.
Checked my grades for this semester last night. BAD idea.
This has been one of the worst years, and I can't wait to turn the callanders page.
hope this years better than the last for you

thank you