Okk so yesterday i went to Mystic to get my new ink. it was insane. we were there from 130-9. i sat for 51/2-6 hours of that. It hurt so much, some of the worst pain ever. and its weird cause you know that you can make it stop at anytime, but you want to go as long as possible. Dave is great though, my guy, so fucking funny cracking jokes, making faces all the time. it was funny cause all these jacked dudes and big guys with ink all over, even a chick with a full back peice said that theyed never get it done there. I asked dave if he has work done there. "what you think im fucking nuts?"
in all the time that hes been inking, well over a deckade hes only done a dozen on the stomach, and only finnished 3 cause he said that it hurts so much. he said that i did reall well though, which is good comming from a guy who 1 does it for a living andt 2 sat for ovver 9 hours straight sober.
it needs about 2-3 more hours on it, 1 to finnish the heart and proably 2 for a banner under it. once i get the loot.
thanks to my girl for comming with me. <3

im a pic whore.
and a good buy kiss to everyone in sgland, from a guy who slept 3 hours th enight before, was up at 8 and had nearly 6 hours of work done on him. so pardon me if i dont look as pretty as normal

yes exactly haha

thats the weirdest tattoo ever..... why did you do it