The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.
I am so full of just total rage, anger, total frustration right now. In a biblical sense.
I miss two fucking classes and my professor puts in some kind of paperowrk ao now we have to have an offical meeting with her, my other education professor, and some adminstrator person. I get called out of her class this morning to be told that the meetings schedguled tomorrow at 1. nope, ive got class fotherfucker. so the sectary or whateverthefuck sh was gets pissed, "fine when can you meet then?" so its at 9 and then i had to go talk to this adminstrator guy to confirm it. why cant she walk her ass down the hall and do it?
Hes all like, i take teaching very werious, being there and on time is a big part of professionalism. we need to sit down and discuss this, and let you make you peace. WTF!? i dont have a problem you people do. but now I DO have a problem with you. if you want to come after me. and as im walking out he ways, and lets try not to wear our cutoffs tomorrow, Ok? Fuck you asshole i just came from a 2 1/2 hour class that started at fucking 830. im gonna wear whatever the fuck i want.
Did you ever come to see me actualy teach? See how the kids love me? how they sit wuite for me? all the letters that they wrote me last year when i left? the reconmendations i got from my teachers? NO fuck all that right, you dont want to see what you dont want to.
Im so raging right now. its bad. when can i go to the gym today?
On a good note, Garden State is a fucking amazing movie, nearly brought me to tears, but not really sure why. guess it just spoke to me on a personal level. Tehn went home and have amazing love making. (incase anyone cares how that went; Benni)
To me it just seems like a very personal attack on me as a person. And thers only one thing that pisses me off more, attacks on my family. I wish i could just fight them. Just lay them the fuck out. Hows that for professionalism?
i look like shit
I am so full of just total rage, anger, total frustration right now. In a biblical sense.
I miss two fucking classes and my professor puts in some kind of paperowrk ao now we have to have an offical meeting with her, my other education professor, and some adminstrator person. I get called out of her class this morning to be told that the meetings schedguled tomorrow at 1. nope, ive got class fotherfucker. so the sectary or whateverthefuck sh was gets pissed, "fine when can you meet then?" so its at 9 and then i had to go talk to this adminstrator guy to confirm it. why cant she walk her ass down the hall and do it?
Hes all like, i take teaching very werious, being there and on time is a big part of professionalism. we need to sit down and discuss this, and let you make you peace. WTF!? i dont have a problem you people do. but now I DO have a problem with you. if you want to come after me. and as im walking out he ways, and lets try not to wear our cutoffs tomorrow, Ok? Fuck you asshole i just came from a 2 1/2 hour class that started at fucking 830. im gonna wear whatever the fuck i want.
Did you ever come to see me actualy teach? See how the kids love me? how they sit wuite for me? all the letters that they wrote me last year when i left? the reconmendations i got from my teachers? NO fuck all that right, you dont want to see what you dont want to.
Im so raging right now. its bad. when can i go to the gym today?
On a good note, Garden State is a fucking amazing movie, nearly brought me to tears, but not really sure why. guess it just spoke to me on a personal level. Tehn went home and have amazing love making. (incase anyone cares how that went; Benni)
To me it just seems like a very personal attack on me as a person. And thers only one thing that pisses me off more, attacks on my family. I wish i could just fight them. Just lay them the fuck out. Hows that for professionalism?
i look like shit
and i like your hair
yea im still here.. i guess im just not good at the updating and what not. sucks about that buerocratic bs that you had to deal with. ive missed like 5 math classes so far. its a 915 class and my room gets no sun. what school do you go to?