I think I may end up being an English major after all. I applied to CSULB, Pomona, UCLA, Berkeley, and Davis. My instructors are hell bent on getting me to transfer to USC which is cool I guess. Im pretty sick of hearing about how great USC is though, all our instructors advocate transferring there. (It's our sister school and its down the street). I like the campus but I have to be honest: I liked UCLA's campus and environment alot more. I was surprised how much I like it whe nI took a tour, even though the tour guide kept making fun of me for taking astronomy at USC, Well see where I end up, I still have time to decide. My UC and Cal state applicatons are done and the USC one is due in FEbruary. ugh.. I HATE PERSONAL STATEMENTS! just let me in already damn it

I'm sweet...so that scares you?
I'm sorry. I don't mean to frighten you.

the year isnt over yet you can make up for it