Today is the 8th. That means I ahve twelve days to finish my 12 page research paper on Ireland's political system, my 5 pages on Lady Chatterly's Lover and a crapload of chapters for astronomy. UGHGHHGHGHGH..and I still need to do laundry. boooooooo..... This is worse than having stale cookies. I dont know why I feel so blah lately. I used to be really good in school. What's wrong with me?
Aside from the stress of school and work I'm coming down with something, possibly a cold. IT's that time of the year. It sucks because I have swimming to do tomorrow. I probably shouldn't go but meh... I've already missed alot of days for swimming this semester, cant miss anymore. I really need to bring up my GPA. I really have no idea whats wrong with me, I really think there is something wrong with me besides the cold. I always have headches,always tired and my hair's falling out (literally, I have a 3 inch bald spot on my head which I first thought was the result of an injury but lately I notice it's getting bigger so I know that it's something else). Also my arms are always hurting. Tossing the salads at work aggravates the pain but the pain is more intense in the mornings. oh yeah and my eyes are killing me. I had a sty last week and now i have another one that's not letting me sleep. grr... i am falling apart at the tender age of 24. this blows
Aside from the stress of school and work I'm coming down with something, possibly a cold. IT's that time of the year. It sucks because I have swimming to do tomorrow. I probably shouldn't go but meh... I've already missed alot of days for swimming this semester, cant miss anymore. I really need to bring up my GPA. I really have no idea whats wrong with me, I really think there is something wrong with me besides the cold. I always have headches,always tired and my hair's falling out (literally, I have a 3 inch bald spot on my head which I first thought was the result of an injury but lately I notice it's getting bigger so I know that it's something else). Also my arms are always hurting. Tossing the salads at work aggravates the pain but the pain is more intense in the mornings. oh yeah and my eyes are killing me. I had a sty last week and now i have another one that's not letting me sleep. grr... i am falling apart at the tender age of 24. this blows