So last night me and my buddy A are out having drinks. We talk about everything from dating to politics to naughty sex stories. The topic of moving too fast came up and I asked him if a girl can ever be taken serious when she fucks a guy too fast. His response was that when that happens with a girl he likes he's usually...
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I'm home and I'd give anything to go back to friday and relive the whole weekend. Seattle is an amazing city and I am seriously considering moving out there. Well see how that idea goes.So it was me, Cynthia, Felton adn Matt. It felt good to be with my culinary buddies again, I rarely get to hang out with someone who shares the same passion...
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I care.
who is your friend? why not just give em a call?
you all suck. I hate this stupid city. Everyone here is so fucking self absorbed and self centered and Im sick of it. You know what really makes me sad? That in four years we are no longer going to have Polar Bears and no one cares. No one.

would i be an oddball to not be thanking my mother for much in my life? as my dad worked, she was supposed to be the support in my life. and to this day she's not the nicest person to me (though she plays it to try to get something she wants). culinary-wise, i didn't like food much until college.... i thought veggies came out of a bag into boiling water and then got left and burnt to the pan. today, i am a vegetarian, but not due to any home-bound tips i picked up from my youth. cause and effect are unrelated here. my mom did nothing to shape me except perhaps show me an extent to my tolerance.
i could credit my dog. for the times i had to sit at the table and eat my crappy food... my dog was sneaky and so was i... she was my garbage disposal... my hero.
i could credit my dog. for the times i had to sit at the table and eat my crappy food... my dog was sneaky and so was i... she was my garbage disposal... my hero.
I am glad I could be of help. I hope you had a good time. I am sorry I could not move things around to be your guide. Come back to Seattle soon!
i have to tell you: this song makes me cry every new year. im listening to it now and it just fits. happy new years guys and to my dear friends, I love you all..
A long December and there's reason to believe
Maybe this year will be better than the last
I can't remember the last thing that you said as you...
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A long December and there's reason to believe
Maybe this year will be better than the last
I can't remember the last thing that you said as you...
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yeah kiddo, its been a long year..............full of shit the majority of the time........but its over, and hopefully it wont just be another year.....
this is a year to look forward adventures, new friends, new memories, new tattoos.......
i got resolutions up the ass right now, and for once its actaully worth doin this year.... i'll holla at you later sweets.....
p.s. i'm glad that you were truky the first to welcome me to the land of a prosperous year
this is a year to look forward adventures, new friends, new memories, new tattoos.......
i got resolutions up the ass right now, and for once its actaully worth doin this year.... i'll holla at you later sweets.....
p.s. i'm glad that you were truky the first to welcome me to the land of a prosperous year
oh shit, you know lil tony.......thats my homey jeff's lil and jeff went to high school together.......damn that is some crazy shit........i remember lil tony, cause he was always there when me jeff and the rest would get fucked up
I think I may end up being an English major after all. I applied to CSULB, Pomona, UCLA, Berkeley, and Davis. My instructors are hell bent on getting me to transfer to USC which is cool I guess. Im pretty sick of hearing about how great USC is though, all our instructors advocate transferring there. (It's our sister school and its down the street). I...
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I'm that scares you?
I'm sorry. I don't mean to frighten you.

the year isnt over yet you can make up for it
in case you didnt know, I live my life by this song. and you may not agree or approve and more than likely, not understand. But that's ok. In the end you'll love me more for that. Frank Sinatra rocks
And now, the end is near;
And so I face the final curtain.
My friend, I'll say it clear,
I'll state my case,...
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And now, the end is near;
And so I face the final curtain.
My friend, I'll say it clear,
I'll state my case,...
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oh god thats awful
Today is the 8th. That means I ahve twelve days to finish my 12 page research paper on Ireland's political system, my 5 pages on Lady Chatterly's Lover and a crapload of chapters for astronomy. UGHGHHGHGHGH..and I still need to do laundry. boooooooo..... This is worse than having stale cookies. I dont know why I feel so blah lately. I used to be really good...
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It's my day off and I have nothing to do. I suppose I could go out but for what? I need to find new people, make a new friend here or there, preferably here. I'm so over the shit around me.. hip hop shit. Hood shit. spoiled kids who live off their parents but swear they're independent cause they pay their own Best Buy bill....
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cook for me x
I've always hated homework. If i didn't have to turn anything in I didn't do it at all.
whoa! today I had amidterm. what kind of instructor gives a midterm three weeks before the semesters over? pish, stupido!!!! well I think i did ok but he was cool and said we can take it home and do it again if we feel weve done bad so yay. I got a second chance cause i didnt study. so besides that, school was ok today....
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wait that wasnt meant for the was meant for your humbuggery.....whatever......2 purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Um the planet Pluto is so small, that my left nut has bigger gravitational pull!
Um the planet Pluto is so small, that my left nut has bigger gravitational pull!
YEsterday I met my new boss. He's kinda cute. If he wasn't my boss I might do him. Word around the kitchen is he's a big softie in comparison to our old chef. Boo, I miss her already. All righty, off to work I go. Let's see what the new guy brings to the table.... ch ch ch changes!
(although... the latin staff is the evening cleaning crew, i might have to get a form in spanish for them.)