Fifteen days till my set is up in MR....Holy crap!
Heres a quick rundown of how my day was yesterday...
My ex informs me he will not be paying me any child support because he is saving money for him and his new *meth whore stripper child beating ex con living in a halfway house* girlfriend to get an apartment. I told him its not up to him to decide when to pay me. The government decides. He calls me at work and lost his mind. Told me "If you fuck this up for me with her I swear to god I will COME for you. I will make your life hell." Then told me his girlfriend wont have him if I "take him for all he has". Then proceeded to call me "a dirty worthless cunt", "a welfare mom", "a drunken slut", "a waste of skin", "fat ugly disgusting pig", "a rotten cock sucker". I pretty much laughed at it all. Which enraged him more. He then accused me of "fucking anything that moved" and then claimed I drove him to drink and all the abuse he had delivered unto me was "asked for". Then I was called "a worthless excuse for a woman". All of this is typical him, but then he said "And my new girlfriend is the best lay I ever had. She can get me off like you never did". That stung the ego a little bit ya.
I wish I could just scream back at him every single tiny little thing I think he is. But honestly whats the point. Im gonna hit him where it hurts.
Heres a quick rundown of how my day was yesterday...
My ex informs me he will not be paying me any child support because he is saving money for him and his new *meth whore stripper child beating ex con living in a halfway house* girlfriend to get an apartment. I told him its not up to him to decide when to pay me. The government decides. He calls me at work and lost his mind. Told me "If you fuck this up for me with her I swear to god I will COME for you. I will make your life hell." Then told me his girlfriend wont have him if I "take him for all he has". Then proceeded to call me "a dirty worthless cunt", "a welfare mom", "a drunken slut", "a waste of skin", "fat ugly disgusting pig", "a rotten cock sucker". I pretty much laughed at it all. Which enraged him more. He then accused me of "fucking anything that moved" and then claimed I drove him to drink and all the abuse he had delivered unto me was "asked for". Then I was called "a worthless excuse for a woman". All of this is typical him, but then he said "And my new girlfriend is the best lay I ever had. She can get me off like you never did". That stung the ego a little bit ya.
I wish I could just scream back at him every single tiny little thing I think he is. But honestly whats the point. Im gonna hit him where it hurts.
Just pity him chick, don't waste your energy on him. Just take his money and look after who matters
I fuckin hate men like that, i've been with a few and they never change! xXx

I'm so excited too
but then I read your blog and I was just wow, that man is an asshole. Want me to kick him in the balls
O, I'll do it!!