Okay folks...
So I have pondered on my blog all day today...but a recent event has me devoid of rational thought.
I found out on Sunday morning that my best friend in high school...well her older brother died. The cool older brother who showed us how to roll joints, who bought us beer, who introduced us to his cute friends, who taught me how to love being a bass player...He was such an integral part of my teenage years. He made me feel pretty and cool and thought all my poems and stories were worthy of print. He even carried around an old notebook of mine and showed his friends how "talented" I was/am....So I have been dealing with this loss...his funreal which I have agreed to sing at is on my birthday
*Im singing Nirvana's Heart Shaped Box, it was our song*
So then tonight I am all blue and morose about these events and when I get all pouty assed I buy chicken...Dont ask me why. One of those rotisserie bastards always makes me feel better about myself because at least Im not spinning around some hot assed box with a stick shoved through my body. So Im buying chicken with my kid and all of a sudden she clutches her ear and starts wailing. Like hard core "did she just smack her kid?" wailing.
So i rush my bawling child to the emergency room...and TA FUCKIN DA I am waiting.................FOR FOUR GOD DAMNED COCK SUCKING HOURS............Ya four hours....almost to the minute for those smug assholes to tell me she MAY have an ear infection. The mom with the pink hair lost it in the emergency room....I smashed some stupid air pumper thing...I was yelling...they threatened to call the cops...Finally after they wrote me prescription for an anti biotic I left calmly.
So needless to say...I am frazzled tonight. I am weak in the heart....its been a long week and its only freakin Tuesday....someone send me whiskey....puhlease
So I have pondered on my blog all day today...but a recent event has me devoid of rational thought.
I found out on Sunday morning that my best friend in high school...well her older brother died. The cool older brother who showed us how to roll joints, who bought us beer, who introduced us to his cute friends, who taught me how to love being a bass player...He was such an integral part of my teenage years. He made me feel pretty and cool and thought all my poems and stories were worthy of print. He even carried around an old notebook of mine and showed his friends how "talented" I was/am....So I have been dealing with this loss...his funreal which I have agreed to sing at is on my birthday

So then tonight I am all blue and morose about these events and when I get all pouty assed I buy chicken...Dont ask me why. One of those rotisserie bastards always makes me feel better about myself because at least Im not spinning around some hot assed box with a stick shoved through my body. So Im buying chicken with my kid and all of a sudden she clutches her ear and starts wailing. Like hard core "did she just smack her kid?" wailing.
So i rush my bawling child to the emergency room...and TA FUCKIN DA I am waiting.................FOR FOUR GOD DAMNED COCK SUCKING HOURS............Ya four hours....almost to the minute for those smug assholes to tell me she MAY have an ear infection. The mom with the pink hair lost it in the emergency room....I smashed some stupid air pumper thing...I was yelling...they threatened to call the cops...Finally after they wrote me prescription for an anti biotic I left calmly.
So needless to say...I am frazzled tonight. I am weak in the heart....its been a long week and its only freakin Tuesday....someone send me whiskey....puhlease

I will keep you and all of yours in my thoughts!