So my life has been pretty crazy, which is why I haven't really been able to be on SG lately. I really want to get more involved in the community, but my life just keeps me from it. Very frustrating.
Right now I'm homeless. My lease ran out on my last place on the 31st, and I can't move on campus till the 11th. Very frustrating. I haven't had to sleep in my car yet, but its definitely a possibility as I'm running out of places to stay.
I really want to sit down and write a real blog entry, but it's hard as most of the time that I get a chance to be on the internet, I'm in public cafe's that block SG. This is all I have to say about that:
This lack of privacy is really starting to wear on me, I'm the kind of person that really appreciates personal time by myself. Anyway, one of these days I swear I'm going to sit down and write a meaningful blog post that's more than just "Ohai, my life is crazy, kthxbye."
Anyways, I have to be up at 5:30 tomorrow morning, and it's 11. Talk to y'all soon, and sweet dreams.
Right now I'm homeless. My lease ran out on my last place on the 31st, and I can't move on campus till the 11th. Very frustrating. I haven't had to sleep in my car yet, but its definitely a possibility as I'm running out of places to stay.
I really want to sit down and write a real blog entry, but it's hard as most of the time that I get a chance to be on the internet, I'm in public cafe's that block SG. This is all I have to say about that:

This lack of privacy is really starting to wear on me, I'm the kind of person that really appreciates personal time by myself. Anyway, one of these days I swear I'm going to sit down and write a meaningful blog post that's more than just "Ohai, my life is crazy, kthxbye."
Anyways, I have to be up at 5:30 tomorrow morning, and it's 11. Talk to y'all soon, and sweet dreams.
As for your situation -- I can't imagine what you're going through. Not in a real way, that wouldn't come off as bullshitty. That's gotta wear on your nerves like a motherfucker.
Well, then again, it's the 14th now, so hopefully you've gotten everything figured out well enough and are settled .. but that's quite a thing to go through. What did you do to span that week? Did you end up staying in your car?
At least you can know that it's one of those things you'll look back on -- one of those "molding" experiences. Everyone has them. And some are more interesting than others. Hopefully you were able to take advantage of it in some way -- pretend you were on the lam. ;/ I dunno.
Anyway. Hope all's well. And that you aren't on a street corner.