I'm back from sunny Calfornia.
Here's the quick and dirty version of my trip:
Outgoing flight was delayed for an hour while they removed some undesirables from the aircraft. Constantine was one of my inflight movie choices and it sucked so much I turned it off after half an hour and watched Will and Grace instead.
My pre-ordered vegetarian dinner turned out to be vegan. I got cauliflower and green bean curry which seems a particularly sadistic choice of food for someone stuck on an aircraft for 10 hours.
I stank by the time I got to LAX but at least the lovely Corriander was there to meet me and give me a big hug despite my stinky status.
Family Shawndaddy are lovely lovely people. Their neighbourhood is a beautiful place and Shawn's mum rocks! I want her to adopt me.
The Fullerton Arboretum. A very peaceful walk in the morning sunshine and they sell all their plants dirt cheap, including the scary looking carniverous ones. Future visitors to Shawndaddy's house, you have been warned!
Tchaikovsky in the open air with Corriander.
The Verizon Amphitheatre, where we saw the concert, has the worlds nastiest seats. I have wrenched all my back muscles and am in pain!
L.A with Shawndaddy and DMuff. We hung out at Capitol records, sampled the "traditional English" cuisine at the Cat and Fiddle and completely failed to spot a single celebrity, unless you count the guy walking around dressed as Elvis on Hollywood Bl.
Elliott Smith. My musical discovery of the trip.
Shawndaddy's office colleagues including the gorgeous J3NN and the utterly insane Mistersatan
The flight home. Was two hours shorter than the flight out
but the entertainment system didnt work and the cabin crew were stroppy. I booked a vegetarian meal again and got what was labelled as "lactose intolerant" even though it contained pasta with cheese, a cheese salad and cheesecake!
Ray Liotta was on my flight!!! My only celebrity spotting of the trip happened at check-in when I noticed him in the queue in front of me. Naturally he did get to sit in upper class on the flight but he did wait in the departure lounge with everyone else. I was too scared to ask for his autograph though.

Being a veggie on aeroplanes is like culinary Russian Roulette.
It's years since I was in LA, so reading your brief account has made it an addition to my ever-expanding 'oooh - I wanna go there' list.