I am aware that Suicidedoggie and Nickysonic are probably the only people I know here old enough to remember this one
but I'm currently singing along to "Come up and see me" by Steve Harley and Cockney Rebel.
Nicky is probably running around his room right now desperately searching for a Velvet Underground record to put on and blot out the memory of that one, unless he plans to surprise me and confess to being a closet Cockney Rebel fan.

Nicky is probably running around his room right now desperately searching for a Velvet Underground record to put on and blot out the memory of that one, unless he plans to surprise me and confess to being a closet Cockney Rebel fan.

I love that tune, nothing wrong with a bit of that
That was pretty much what I used to like about Wakefield/Leeds, as you could get anywhere on the bus and for pennies too. Here in Salisbury, there's few buses, and bloody expensive. 8 a day to get to work and back is not my idea of a joke.