I read The New Pearl Harbour by David Ray Griffin yesterday.
Zode kindly bought the book for me a month or so ago but I had such a huge pile of things to read that I've only just got to it.
Not since I read Blowback by Chalmers Johnson have I been so enraged by the content of a book.
I've been stalking around ever since I finished it with an expression of impotent fury on my face and now I have to spend the day in the office with a bunch of people who are either politically apathetic or think George W. Bush is a fucking saint.
Whether we like it or not America is no longer a superpower but a hyperpower and the personal and political agendas of the middle class white males in charge affect everyone on the planet. Sadly, 99% of us have absolutely fuck all say in who gets the job and some of us are living in countries where the people in charge cant see what's really going on cos they have their heads permanently jammed up Bush's arse.
Rant over.
I'm going to sit and my desk and sulk for eight hours.
Zode kindly bought the book for me a month or so ago but I had such a huge pile of things to read that I've only just got to it.
Not since I read Blowback by Chalmers Johnson have I been so enraged by the content of a book.
I've been stalking around ever since I finished it with an expression of impotent fury on my face and now I have to spend the day in the office with a bunch of people who are either politically apathetic or think George W. Bush is a fucking saint.
Whether we like it or not America is no longer a superpower but a hyperpower and the personal and political agendas of the middle class white males in charge affect everyone on the planet. Sadly, 99% of us have absolutely fuck all say in who gets the job and some of us are living in countries where the people in charge cant see what's really going on cos they have their heads permanently jammed up Bush's arse.

Rant over.
I'm going to sit and my desk and sulk for eight hours.
Michelle xx