It's been a while since I've done a blog so here in lies all of my frequently asked questions.
Sources include SG and Instagram... Let's begin!
Do you like girls?
Yes. Yes I do haha.
I find myself attracted to people, not labels or sexes. I have dated those who identify as men, women, fluid and transgender.
What is your natural hair colour?
Mousey brown. It's so unextrordinary that I usually dye it darker to give it more warmth and depth. Or I bleach it and go crazy colours!
How many tattoos do you have?
24! Wait no, 25 now 😏
I got a new tattoo two days ago on a spontaneous trip to Melbourne. Do you like?
Are your boobs real?
Ahhh YEAH. Everything other than the 345cc silicone implants resting nicely inside, these puppies are all mine hahaha.
If you've been around SG for a while you may remember me looking like this...
Only a slight improvement to some already magical melons, wouldn't you agree?
How old are you?
I get this a lot and I find it funny that my correct age and birthday have always been listed in my SG bio! I like to say I'm 27 but really..
I am about to have my 36th birthday in April
I know, I know... I look younger 😅 haha.
What type of music do you listen to?
I love anything that moves me.
Mostly, I find that they fall in the categories of riot girl, punk, pub rock, punk rock, indie pop, classical, soul and chill R&B, rap and EDM.
Oh and I'm a sucker for a musical! Give me all of the musical soundtracks 🎶
When do you have another set coming out?
Well unless you've been living under a rock surely you've seen my set with @Victory called Breasts-a-venti?
If you have seen and loved this set already you will be happy to know I have 3 new SG sets and even more content sets in the works.
With talented babes such as @sookysins @maddicphotography & @victory
You will just have to stay tuned throughout the year to find out when they will be submitted/ released.
Where do you live?
Some people are surprised to hear that I have an Australian accent. I was born and raised in Sydney, Australia and I love it too much to ever be away for too long 💙❤🤍
Now, just for fun...
Tell me YOUR answers to these below 😆👇
xox Amaryllis xox
@penny @missy