I am generally a person of few words.
I also consider myself an anarchist... Or chaotic neutral~ for my less political/ more gaming inclined readers. 😈
So I wanted to write to my friends here and lightly address what's happening in our little community at the moment.
Firstly I need to take a moment and say that I am 💜SO PROUD💜 of every single human standing up for what they believe in. I really do believe that being true to yourself and your personal beliefs is all that matters.
👊🏼 DO NOT let anyone tell you that your opinions are invalid or can be overruled by the majority
As some spider's uncle once said "with great power comes great responsibility". 🕷
Now I could be interpreting this askew but in this context I want you to think for a moment:
If we have the power to believe our truth as we know it is correct, then we also need to be wise and take responsibility of also knowing each person therefore has a different truth they are living. Once we can accept and love this about eachother, the world will be a better place. 💕
❤ Secondly, I wanted to say that the current concerns regarding the management and direction this website has in no way assuaged my passion for Suicide Girls or this amazing community! 🥰
To me Suicide Girls is still a place for misfits, neer-do-wells, loners and losers who couldn't find thier place in the outside world.
🌌 Without SG I would never have had the courage to leave my abusive marriage. One man told me I could never model looking like myself, and six thousand passionate humans stood up in his place and said YES YOU CAN!
🌠 Without SG I would never have been as loving and accepting of my body. As many young people do I struggled with negative and intrusive thoughts about my body. That was until I saw what true beauty was; strong women flaunting thier powerful selves, flaws and all. Because acceptance and love is what makes us shine!
🌅 Without SG I would never have met some of the greatest people you could ever know! For someone as reclusive as I am in the real world, I am so grateful to have been able to use this platform create wonderful, lasting friendships with amazing people across the globe. You know who you are 😘
👉🏽 So to answer a few questions:
Is it disheartening to see models who are not active members of this amazing community being PAID to become a world wide representative for that community? Yes.
But this does not take away from my experience here. Nor do these instances take away the appreciation we all feel for every model who has contributed to making Suicide Girls what it is today. No matter if this was through social climbing and numbers gained or the site, or years of dedication and set after set of killer content.
Are accusations of illegal and immoral activity concerning? Also yes.
But it is also not my responsibility or burden to make those calls or investigate those accusations. Best believe I am passionate about our rights but I sure as hell am not going to let someone else's decisions fuck with my flow or my joy.
We each need to make the decision for ourselves on what this place means to us.
For me, this is STILL a place filled with love, acceptance and family.
From the baby Wick you first accepted into your arms, to the artistic Amaryllis you now call your friend and your sister...
Thank you for everything and I love you all 🍒