I'm so sorry for being gone for so long my loves!
So much has been happening in my life, good and bad, so I decided to take a little social media break. I did not realise that so much time had passed since I had visited the site and I feel terrible for not telling you all I was going.
So among other things...
I'm looking at selling my house, maybe investing in a small apartment and using the rest f my money to travel, I don't want to be here right now. I'm feeling the need to sell my prison and adventure new worlds.
My boyfriend (whom most of you know, or at least know of) and I have broken up. The long distance and openness of our relationship took an unexpected toll on me mentally.
I've stopped drinking. As most of you know I'm the kind of gal who doesn't take pain killers for a migraine (I know, I know haha) but what I probably haven't said that this was because I had a little problem with prescription medications during the worst of my depression. So I'm now just trying to keep above water and avoid that bad road again haha.
I'm approaching a killer level up! My 30th birthday is only just around the corner on the 14th of April. This is what i'm looking forward to the most. I am actually so excited it's lame. A whole new adventure awaits me ☺️
That's some of it anyway haha.
This is the beginning of my little transition back into SuicideGirls land!
I hope that you are all well, and excited to start chatting, and seeing my booty all over your screens again 🙌🏼
Ps. The CHELSEA CUT IS BACK! I've had so many requests for it to come back haha. It's here! I will post photos soon xx
Much love,
Amaryllis xoxox