What games are you playing?
This is such a fun homework topic thanks to @rambo @missy & @lyxzen and I can't believe I missed out on blogging about it!
Now let's get one thing straight:
I love games! Haha.
I am always playing games, whether it is a board game, video game, card game or just I spy in bed at night because I can't sleep. Though I think this topic was aimed at video games I would like to tell you about all of the games I am currently playing.
I know it seems like I'm always playing Skyrim but it's because I am haha. I am a Kahjiit named Lutalo. Meow.
This is not only my favourite shout but will someday be tattooed on me. Le sigh. I wish I wasn't so poor so that I could get it now haha.
I love Skyrim so much that I didn't even start playing the main story line of the game for the first few months just so that I could prolong my experience. I also spent about six months (Earth time) in Solstheim trying to complete every mission possible and horsing mass amounts of everything-I-don't-need in my home because I loved it there so much. That is where I call home!
Here's a photo of that one time I got stuck in a bucket...
Haha. I don't know why but this made me laugh so hard. I couldn't get out of the damn bucket!!
Dungeons & Dragons
I've recently started up a game with my roommate and DM, Greg. Some of you who follow me on Perescope have met him before. He lives with me along with his lovely partner Ger and thier baby MJ. We all play weekly, along with my partner Taran.
This is a map I spent a few of my days off creating for our game last week...
And here is us playing...
In this game I am a level 2 thief/rogue/kicker-of-asses (so far, we're two sessions into this game) wood elf named Castien. That's me in the hood about to get my fight on! Haha.
I love playing D&D so much, though we never play too seriously. Yes, we play with accents, get into character and argue, but we do it in the most chilled way possible. I have so much fun!
My favourite memes
Just because we were just talking about Skyrim I have to put in some Kahjiit ones:
Hahaha that last one though! Oh J'Zargo, what a lovely voice you have. Now that I have Skyrim out of the way, make way for my favourite memes of all time...
The walking dead.
Particularly Carl. Now, I know what you're thinking; Carl wasn't funny, he was barely even good but trust me THESE are funny.
Please only keep reading if you would like to die from laughter.
Thank you and good night! Haha.
Mwah xxx