This weeks blogging assignment is telling you about what my perfect day would entail.
Well I am going to be a complete grandma and say that my perfect day starts the night before, in bed by 11 and having a great nights sleep! Haha.
The first thing to make my day perfect would be getting up early to make my man a big breakfast. I love my food, so when it's my day off and I don't have to rush to get ready for work I really need to relax to a massive breakfast. This usually consists of hash browns, poached eggs, roast tomato, grilled mushrooms and avocado, at least. No bread, no funny business, just deliciousness. Oh and a grapefruit afterward ;)
Yum! Now I want some breakfast and it's past lunch haha.
Next I would go on my usual Sunday trip to my nan's for tea. I love my nan so much and try to visit as many times a week as I can. All we do is sit, drink tea and chat; sometimes she cooks. It's amazingly relaxing!
This is what she did for me and my mum today. I planned to head over around lunch time for tea and by the time I got there she already had lunch on the stove. She cooked a beef and veggie stew, made tea and bought custard tarts for desert. She's the best!
After tea I would like to go for a drive. We would pack some snacks into my picnic box. Gather up some blankets of course; perhaps that one tarp I always forget is gathering dust in back room, a few bourbons or a bottle of wine, gather our mixed tapes and just drive.
You will find me singing along loudly and quite terribly to my favourite songs, this is usually accompanied by dance hands. (The dancing and miming you see people doing along with songs, I do this when I can't dance properly to the rhythm)
We would probably end up somewhere up the mountains. We would collect our provisions and leave the car to bush walk, eventually finding the perfect place to rest our feet.
Now comes the fun part. My perfect day would not be complete without a fort... So let's get building!
I really love creating things and would be taking the lead on the construction. I would have my own idea about the most structurally sound base for our fort, and although I would probably be wrong, I would get my way haha.
Inside we would eat our snacks, drink our delicious beverages and cuddle up... After we get a little naked in nature of course! Haha.
Just to add some more excitement to our adventure trip and the one thing that really would make this the perfect day was if it were to now begin raining.
We would have to quickly get dressed, gather up our blankets while we get soaked by the warm afternoon rain and run! Regardless of how close we parked we would be drenching wet by the time we get back to the car haha. Luckily I keep and extra pair of trackies or two and a towel in my gym bag so we get to dry off and put on something warm for the trip home.
Once I get home I would have a warm shower, put on my comfiest pyjamas, cuddle up on the lounge with a hot cup of tea and relax while I watch a few episodes of X-Files and fall asleep.
That really would be the perfect day.
What would your perfect day be like?
Wick oxox