So, yesterday my phone turned off while I was reading a message. I expected that I simply had not taken notice of it's low battery and plugged it in and waited for it to turn back on. Ten minutes went by, then fifteen. Nothing. I tried to turn it on myself but the screen remained black.
So, I am borrowing this laptop to update you all and let you know why I will be taking a little longer to get back to you other the next few weeks... or months. I will be able to lend this laptop most nights but the camera isn't too good so the photo posts may be few and far between, sorry. The worst part is that I had managed to save a few hundred dollars over the past two months since my dog Cody-wan had gotten better (quick update: he has only had one seizure since starting his new medication, yay!) but it was only just enough to pay off the land rates for my house this month, then yesterday I got hit with an electricity bill. Which means, I cannot afford to either fix my phone or buy a new one... For a long time to come.
I feel especially bad because of course this had to happen on sundies day and I had taken some awesome pictures for you all, fit was going to be a different kind of sundies this week, thanks to @matias999 who got me thinking about trying some new ways to take pictures of my butt haha.
In all seriousness, this was the first smart phone I had owned and it was a gift, I can live without social media and without all the fancy apps. What I am most upset about is that Suicide Girls is so important to me, my set comes out in less than a month and I wanted to spend more time on the site than ever before; yet I will be reduced from logging in 10 plus times a day to once when I get home from work. I'm so sad :(
It gets slightly worse, this morning (the first day of my midweek weekend) I went ot take my dogs tot he dog park and my car wouldn't start!! Argh. This is beyond frustrating. I can't afford to get it checked so i'll be taking the bus to work on Thursday :(
I hope that you can all understand and be patient with my slow replies.
If anyone would like to help I have re-opened my Go Fund Me account, all donations are greatly appreciated!
For all donations I am offering a thank you note and a signed Instax photo!
For donations over $50 AUS I will be offering you a free A4 print sent to you once my set goes live!
If you would like either of these just be sure to private message me on here to send me your postal address.
I don't expect anything of course, but knowing what lovely generous people you are I thought I would offer incentives for those of you who would like to help me out. Your patience will be help enough! Thank you all in advance for your understanding, I really appreciate this site and this opportunity; I would hate to think that my being recently inactive would upset any of you! :(
Bonus surprise
This is for reading my sop story haha. This is a special sneak peak of a set i will be releasing next year. Shot by @_dresden ENJOY!
Thank you so much.
Love & light oxox