Eeeeek 800 friends!
I am so excited that I still continue to meet kickass people here every day. In some ways I am grateful that is took so long for my first set to be submitted, because I had the chance to get to know so many of you and make some amazing friends before the all of the 'will my set be bought' worry and comment reading that I can only imagine comes with a set in MR.
So, I now have 2 awesome sets in MR queue and just incase you have missed the little teasers and updates here they are:
PALE by @puffin
Release date 24th June
Release date 14th September
How excited are you?
I think I might pass out from excitement. I am so happy with both sets an even if I don't go pink I am so proud of the progress I've made not only with SG but in my life since beginning this journey. Oh but to be pink, that would be such a great adventure.
With all of your kind words and support I am happy, regardless of my pink status. Mwah!
I love you all xx