people annoy me to no end.. and now i'm pissed to the point where i want to ban all family from the wedding.
if only people could all act like total jackasses before we sent out the invites. woulda made me and max's lives a lot easier.
Max's godparents have decided (after promising/rsvping that they'd definitly be coming) that they are going on vacation and won't be able to come. Because of this max's mom won't be coming either.
I mean come on. My mother doesn't approve of the wedding but at least she's fucking coming!
And then they start harping about how max has to start recognizing his siblings (he hates them with good reason). They say he's rejecting his past and that it'll cause mental probs down the road.
NO. See max has accepted that that is his past, he recognized it and released it to the universe because it wasn't serving him a helpful or positive way. He has moved on. Why can't you people see that?
some people aren't good for you...
and to max's mom... HE'S YOUR FUCKING SON! You wanted him to let you back into his life, you wanted to be apart of his future. Don't you dare make him feel like it was a mistake, don't you dare hurt him, because i promise i will make you regret it.
if only people could all act like total jackasses before we sent out the invites. woulda made me and max's lives a lot easier.
Max's godparents have decided (after promising/rsvping that they'd definitly be coming) that they are going on vacation and won't be able to come. Because of this max's mom won't be coming either.
I mean come on. My mother doesn't approve of the wedding but at least she's fucking coming!
And then they start harping about how max has to start recognizing his siblings (he hates them with good reason). They say he's rejecting his past and that it'll cause mental probs down the road.
NO. See max has accepted that that is his past, he recognized it and released it to the universe because it wasn't serving him a helpful or positive way. He has moved on. Why can't you people see that?
some people aren't good for you...
and to max's mom... HE'S YOUR FUCKING SON! You wanted him to let you back into his life, you wanted to be apart of his future. Don't you dare make him feel like it was a mistake, don't you dare hurt him, because i promise i will make you regret it.