The weekend sucked. But myth is freakin adorable. She took the last of her pain pills this morning so after today she should be a little less out of it then she's been. I don't mind, she's been super cuddly and sweet since getting home. Although her inability to jump onto the bed and the couch is making her louder... she's rather impatient, especially when i'm asleep. but overall she has been my good point.

So other then that, the weekend was a a swirling vortex of doom and ache. All of the responsibility for getting my little brother out of alberta and getting his apartment cleaned out has fallen on me. Why? because he's an asshole, and my mother lives 2 hours away and is still recovering from the major surgery she had last week. And her husband has no patience for anything and can't do jack shit because he only has the one arm and uses that disability to it's full advantage.
Backstory for those who don't know it:
My brother (ty) moved to the city in december after breaking up with his girlfriend and getting kicked out of my parent's house for stealing over 10 grand from them and attempting to take more. He also stole from his girlfriend's parents. Anywayz, my mom caved and helped him get an apartment here, co signed the lease, and set him up in his new place complete with food and furniture. Things were going ok and the plan was that when his 6 month lease was up he would be moving to B.C. to live with his best friend, Scott. Well things started out ok, but then turned. He quit paying his rent 5 months ago. His lease ran up a month ago (so total he's been there for 7 months and only paid rent for the first two) so because my mom is on the lease they get called every time and the responsibility falls on them to cover it. Ty lies to everyone about it, telling me that he did pay his rent, telling mom that he didn't get paid so he couldn't... and the list of excuses is so long it could rival santa's list. Scott was supposed to come here in the middle of this month so that he could pick up ty, grab all his shit and take it with them cause he's rented a house for them to live in and set up a job for ty to start. Scott's car broke down and he couldn't borrow his dad's for a long trip like this so he can't come now. So ty is supposed to use his money to get a bus ticket, hire movers to move all of his furniture and shit over to my basement and cancel everything so he can be gone. He's been evicted from his apartment so he's gotta be out on the 31st. And there's no reason he shouldn't have the money because he didn't pay his rent and he had been given $5000 from the sale of his camaro (my mom gave him his half of the money)... but no. Instead he spent the $5000 in one week on a bunch of stupid shit that he didn't need and most of which he can't even take with him... and now says he doesn't need to take it so i can have it. (WTF???!?!?!?!?!)
So now because he keeps wasting his time and money my mom is paying for the bus ticket. She's sending me the cash and tomorrow night i have to take him down to the bus depot, buy his ticket and make sure he gets on the bus and it's left before i leave. otherwise he'll try to cash it in, or he'll just hop off or not even get on, just go somewhere else. cause all of a sudden he doesn't really want to go to B.C. why? because he'll be bullied into smoking pot again. (it's called a backbone. grow one!) Anywayz, he's supposed to give me his keys to his apartment cause i'm supposed to clean the place (so that my mother can get her damage deposit back) and get it ready for his furniture and boxes to be moved out. I also have to hire the movers to get it out of there by saturday if my mom can't come in with brad's truck... which is likely cause she's still really out of it from the surgery.
Ohh and brad isn't supposed to be allowed in my house but if he comes in to help move the furniture he's gonna have to be and that's making max pissed. Meanwhile he hasn't been listening to anything i've been telling him and he's too preoccupied. as stated in my last blog, with him it seems that warcraft and FFXI are more important than anything i have to say.
I am so fucking stressed out from all this shit. I can't wait until it's all over. So tonight as my way of de-stressing before the shit storm starts tomorrow i'm bleaching and dying my hair....I got my hair dye in the mail this morning.
Ohh and on another note, even though i preordered the final harry potter book in february (when it was first listed on chapters.ca) i still haven't recieved it. it hasn't even been shipped yet? why? no one knows. fuck!
hope he-she feels better.