I got my birthday pressies from my family members today... my grandparents got me exactly what i wanted; a really nice coffee maker and a big bag of coffee from starbucks
Mom and her husband got me a deepfryer. I'm kinda likin the whole housewife theme they've taken on.
Mom is still really pissed and upset about max and i being engaged now though... made seeing her a bit difficult, and brad (her husband) was pissed that he couldn't come into my house and he feels that he should have some major say in my life.
The sucky thing about today though... i found the perfect job for me.. seriously.... receptionist at a tattoo shop... (i wouldn't have to hide my tattoos... or worry about covering new ones when they are healing, ect) ..only issue... it's in leduc. The posting was for edmonton... sadly when you phone it turns out it's no where near me.
but in good news max got a good job, so there's not so much worrying happening anymore. Ohh and my cell phone is getting turned off this week cause i haven't paid the bill... and i can't by monday. if you wanna chat, call my house phone. It has a great voicemail message
So that's been today.. a bit out of it, sad, angering. But i can make good coffee now so staying up tonight shouldn't be too hard.
I had this horrible nightmare last night... i don't remember most of the first part of it.. but i know that towards the end revolved around this girl i used to be friends with (until she completely stabbed me in the back) trying to kill me, max, and some other person who was with us. And she killed about 6 scary protective dogs in it too. It was by injecting a poison into the blood... it took about 10 mins till you kicked it, and it was supposed to be extremely painful... i woke up as i was trying to break our necks so that she wouldn't be able to do it to us. fucked up eh? Anywayz, it scared the shit out of me, so i'd rather stay awake tonight... that and the thoughts that have been running through my head keep throwing me into a depressive state. Things haven't been going well lately and certain issues with people are getting to me.

Mom is still really pissed and upset about max and i being engaged now though... made seeing her a bit difficult, and brad (her husband) was pissed that he couldn't come into my house and he feels that he should have some major say in my life.
The sucky thing about today though... i found the perfect job for me.. seriously.... receptionist at a tattoo shop... (i wouldn't have to hide my tattoos... or worry about covering new ones when they are healing, ect) ..only issue... it's in leduc. The posting was for edmonton... sadly when you phone it turns out it's no where near me.
but in good news max got a good job, so there's not so much worrying happening anymore. Ohh and my cell phone is getting turned off this week cause i haven't paid the bill... and i can't by monday. if you wanna chat, call my house phone. It has a great voicemail message

So that's been today.. a bit out of it, sad, angering. But i can make good coffee now so staying up tonight shouldn't be too hard.
I had this horrible nightmare last night... i don't remember most of the first part of it.. but i know that towards the end revolved around this girl i used to be friends with (until she completely stabbed me in the back) trying to kill me, max, and some other person who was with us. And she killed about 6 scary protective dogs in it too. It was by injecting a poison into the blood... it took about 10 mins till you kicked it, and it was supposed to be extremely painful... i woke up as i was trying to break our necks so that she wouldn't be able to do it to us. fucked up eh? Anywayz, it scared the shit out of me, so i'd rather stay awake tonight... that and the thoughts that have been running through my head keep throwing me into a depressive state. Things haven't been going well lately and certain issues with people are getting to me.