it's been a rock band filled few days. In case you don't know what rock band is, imagine guitar hero, add a drummer, a bassist(which you can do in GH but not until part two, which kind of sucked anyway) and a singer. Then throw down a sweet song list, which includes some of my favorites such as : Nirvana(in bloom), YeahYeahYeahs(maps, love this song so much it hurts!), radiohead(creep), weezer(say it ain't so), Garbage(paranoid), Nine Inch Nails(hand that feeds off a-with-a-teeth-a) and various classics that don't fail to get you rocking out.
It's not perfect, there are some minor issues I had. Setting up a band was annoying, you can't have the same character do all four things, the guitar portion seems a little easier than guitar hero. But there are so many other redeeming qualities that all of the negatives seem meaningless. You can customize your character, it's not really as full as it could be, but the tattoo designer gives you some hefty creative freedom when it comes to your rockers ink. I gave one of my characters a sweet chest piece and her sleeves are a work in progress. This game kicks ass for many reasons! included with all the badass shit I've already listed, it also gave me the opportunity to hook up one of my coolest customers, Mr. Wil Wheaton. (I know this is shameful name dropping, but I have honestly never really seen anyone I recognized from anything before, let alone two things that filled my childhood, namely, Star Trek, next gen. and Stand by Me.) I recognized him immediately, and of course, acted like a total dork, but he's a genuinely nice person. which makes having him as a customer that much cooler!
) He wanted to pre-order rock band, but our quantities had already been filled, and we were told not to do any further pre-ordering for that title. Since I had a copy reserved for myself, I decided to let Mr. Wheaton pick up my copy. He apparently really appreciated the gesture, and returned the favor by bring me an autographed copy of his latest book, The Happiest Days of our Lives. I havent finished it, (between rock band and work, black friday hell for 10.5 hours today) I havent had much time to read. But what I've read so far has been really cool. It's awesome as a fan, to be able to catch a glimpse into the memories of someone you grew up watching on tv. Thanks Mr. Wheaton for sharing your memories in book form, and giving me a copy of them to read. 
I'm a night elf mohawk.
PS, thanks to a pre-order cancellation I was able to get a copy of rock band for myself. woot.
It's not perfect, there are some minor issues I had. Setting up a band was annoying, you can't have the same character do all four things, the guitar portion seems a little easier than guitar hero. But there are so many other redeeming qualities that all of the negatives seem meaningless. You can customize your character, it's not really as full as it could be, but the tattoo designer gives you some hefty creative freedom when it comes to your rockers ink. I gave one of my characters a sweet chest piece and her sleeves are a work in progress. This game kicks ass for many reasons! included with all the badass shit I've already listed, it also gave me the opportunity to hook up one of my coolest customers, Mr. Wil Wheaton. (I know this is shameful name dropping, but I have honestly never really seen anyone I recognized from anything before, let alone two things that filled my childhood, namely, Star Trek, next gen. and Stand by Me.) I recognized him immediately, and of course, acted like a total dork, but he's a genuinely nice person. which makes having him as a customer that much cooler!

I'm a night elf mohawk.
PS, thanks to a pre-order cancellation I was able to get a copy of rock band for myself. woot.
I think that my be the first time i have heard anyone say, "thanks to a pre-order cancellation..."
Hey. . . So I'll be all up in your neck of the woods soon.