Today was shitty, then good, then shitty again... and tomorrow will be sad and awkward.
I had to open this morning, and, this was my 6th day in a row working. It's been long hectic days since early november, and it's only gotten worse. I got to work and immediately cut my finger open on a box cutter which was at the bottom of a drawer, under the fucking band aids box. Box cutters should never be in a drawer, and they should never be left open. So that sucked ass, it's really deep and on the middle finger on my dominant hand. I use that finger a lot damnit. heh.
Customers get more and more douchey around the holidays too. I know everyone wants to feel like their kid, or they themselves are the only people on the planet who matter. But your not. End of story. I can't bend the rules for anyone. I dont really care how bad your kid wants a fucking wii or ps3. So does every other kid on the planet right now, and they are all having their parents call every single day asking about them. 200 calls a day at least. we have to unplug the phone sometimes because we can't keep answering the same questions to everyone who calls, and dealing with the dozens of people who are actuallyin the store too. I have no control over when they come, and I honestly don't even know when they will come. And it drives me crazy when people accuse me of hording the damed things like I just dont want to sell it to them. Trust me, if I had them, everyone one of those bastards would get one, just to get them out of my face.
I had some guy go off on me for telling him he couldn't exchange the games he got in the bundle he purchased, of the PS3, 3 games and an extra controller, even though it said clearly that the games could not be exchanged or returned for any reason other than it being defective, in which case it can only be exchanged for the same item He knew which games he'd be getting before he bought the bundle. So, His options were, A. trade the games in for store credit for a fraction of the price he paid for them, or B. return the entire bundle, and not be able to purchase any of it back without repurchasing the entire bundle. If it were up to me, I'd just exchange them, but I can't. And the fucker got his pretty panties all in a twist and told me that he hopes that i don't handle future situations in such an unprofesional manner. I'm sure I wouldnt have seemed so unprofessional if he'd have gotten his way. I wasn't rude, and I didn't tell him off. He got upset when i told him how much trade in credit he would receive, and Tried accusing me of ripping him off, even though gamestop is a giant corporation I am but one of it's many minions. Gamestop is ripping him off, not me. The PS3 is a hard system to find, and the website made it available in limited quantities, in bundle packages, which clearly stated which games you would receive with it, and that those games could not be exchanged for others. He told me that my logic was off and that I should never tell a customer that again. I'm sure my boss will love to hear that we should no longer inform customers of our store policies, and of what their options are for their major purchases. He shook me up a bit. It sucked. Im on my rag and have been through a rough couple weeks so that just topped it off. I hate that he got to me but he did. Long story short, he sucks and I hope he dies in a fire.
Tomorrow I have to celebrate x-mas with my family. It sucks, because my mom called me tonight to tell me that her little dog midget got hit by a car and died today. I cried and got mad because they just lost their other dog Lil' Bit. Pictured Below(someone stole her)
and She and Midget are both little shits and shouldnt be left outside all the time. they can squeeze through tight spaces and get out, like they did a week ago when someone stole lil', and like midget did today and got hit. They are smalll, sweet dogs, and need a lot of attention. I wasnt mad at her, but just that my family went out and left them outside. I feel so bad for my mom because midget was her buddy and was so protective of her. He was her baby. And she can't stop crying. It kills me because I love my dogs so much and I know how she must feel right now. I get broken up just thinking about what could hapen to my dogs, if it ever happened i'd be devistated too.
I'll give her big hugs tomorrow, and let her cry on my shoulder. It's gonna be hard not seeing those little bastards. I'll miss them a lot. i hope Bit is being taken care of. RIP MidgyButt.
I had to open this morning, and, this was my 6th day in a row working. It's been long hectic days since early november, and it's only gotten worse. I got to work and immediately cut my finger open on a box cutter which was at the bottom of a drawer, under the fucking band aids box. Box cutters should never be in a drawer, and they should never be left open. So that sucked ass, it's really deep and on the middle finger on my dominant hand. I use that finger a lot damnit. heh.
Customers get more and more douchey around the holidays too. I know everyone wants to feel like their kid, or they themselves are the only people on the planet who matter. But your not. End of story. I can't bend the rules for anyone. I dont really care how bad your kid wants a fucking wii or ps3. So does every other kid on the planet right now, and they are all having their parents call every single day asking about them. 200 calls a day at least. we have to unplug the phone sometimes because we can't keep answering the same questions to everyone who calls, and dealing with the dozens of people who are actuallyin the store too. I have no control over when they come, and I honestly don't even know when they will come. And it drives me crazy when people accuse me of hording the damed things like I just dont want to sell it to them. Trust me, if I had them, everyone one of those bastards would get one, just to get them out of my face.

I had some guy go off on me for telling him he couldn't exchange the games he got in the bundle he purchased, of the PS3, 3 games and an extra controller, even though it said clearly that the games could not be exchanged or returned for any reason other than it being defective, in which case it can only be exchanged for the same item He knew which games he'd be getting before he bought the bundle. So, His options were, A. trade the games in for store credit for a fraction of the price he paid for them, or B. return the entire bundle, and not be able to purchase any of it back without repurchasing the entire bundle. If it were up to me, I'd just exchange them, but I can't. And the fucker got his pretty panties all in a twist and told me that he hopes that i don't handle future situations in such an unprofesional manner. I'm sure I wouldnt have seemed so unprofessional if he'd have gotten his way. I wasn't rude, and I didn't tell him off. He got upset when i told him how much trade in credit he would receive, and Tried accusing me of ripping him off, even though gamestop is a giant corporation I am but one of it's many minions. Gamestop is ripping him off, not me. The PS3 is a hard system to find, and the website made it available in limited quantities, in bundle packages, which clearly stated which games you would receive with it, and that those games could not be exchanged for others. He told me that my logic was off and that I should never tell a customer that again. I'm sure my boss will love to hear that we should no longer inform customers of our store policies, and of what their options are for their major purchases. He shook me up a bit. It sucked. Im on my rag and have been through a rough couple weeks so that just topped it off. I hate that he got to me but he did. Long story short, he sucks and I hope he dies in a fire.
Tomorrow I have to celebrate x-mas with my family. It sucks, because my mom called me tonight to tell me that her little dog midget got hit by a car and died today. I cried and got mad because they just lost their other dog Lil' Bit. Pictured Below(someone stole her)

and She and Midget are both little shits and shouldnt be left outside all the time. they can squeeze through tight spaces and get out, like they did a week ago when someone stole lil', and like midget did today and got hit. They are smalll, sweet dogs, and need a lot of attention. I wasnt mad at her, but just that my family went out and left them outside. I feel so bad for my mom because midget was her buddy and was so protective of her. He was her baby. And she can't stop crying. It kills me because I love my dogs so much and I know how she must feel right now. I get broken up just thinking about what could hapen to my dogs, if it ever happened i'd be devistated too.

I'll give her big hugs tomorrow, and let her cry on my shoulder. It's gonna be hard not seeing those little bastards. I'll miss them a lot. i hope Bit is being taken care of. RIP MidgyButt.
i hope you have a great new years gorgeous 
