I woke up saturday morning around 7:30 AM, and began to get ready for work. At about 8:20(MY ride was supposed to call about 8:40 to let me know he was on his way) my boss calls. He said I didnt need to worry about coming in, because someone had stolen a car from a local dealership and backed it into the side wall of our store, in an attempt to break in. But, because I had an interview with another Old Navy later that day, I went down to inspect the store anyway. HOLY SHIT! About 10 feet of one whole wall is gone. They boarded it up, and they have 24 hour security to protect the store, but jesus christ the hole was huge. But luckily for us, they hit the wall with out PC cabinet, which flew forward into the cashwrap, letting the slatwall fall behind it, blocking the jackasses entrance. Way to go smarty pants.
When my boss arrived(around 6 am, it happened at 5:20), he said the car was still there, back window blown out, keys in the ignition, radio blasting. My boss got pictures of al the damage, Im going to get him to upload them to a yahoo photo album so I can share them with ya'll.
Since there was significant structural damage to the store, we could be closed for up to a month while they repair it. That means all the game advisors, will have no hours until the store reopens. Luckily for me, I was recently promoted, so I still get hours, YAY! But they will be hours spent at the mall, which is even more annoying than my already busy ass store. But hours are hours, so whatever.
My interview at Old Navy went really really well. I know the boss there, this guy Mario. He's really nice, and he likes to joke around, so it would be a good environment to work in from the management persepctive, but the customers, oh my god. There is always someone trying to rip them off, or claiming that they've been ripped off. It's rediculous, but hopefully I wont have to deal with any of them for the most part.
We went to Dereks moms college graduation yesterday. Which was awesome. She's worked so hard to get her degree, and she finally made it. It was kind of funny because all of the speaches were geared toward 20 year olds...that old "Now that we're stepping out in to the real world, and looking for jobs..." speach, Dereks mom was like..."Um, I'm 50, I think I've been in the real world a while..." And another speach said something about, "and now for those of you who've spent, 3, 4, 5, maybe even 6 years working toward your degree..." She said, "how about those of us who have been at it for over 30 years??" It was fun though, we got a lot of pictures, and took video of it. It was so worth the raging sunburn. hehe.
Also, for those of you who havent seen it, I posted the set I shot for TigerAngel and queenmab in PSW. Go check it out. They are the hotness.
When my boss arrived(around 6 am, it happened at 5:20), he said the car was still there, back window blown out, keys in the ignition, radio blasting. My boss got pictures of al the damage, Im going to get him to upload them to a yahoo photo album so I can share them with ya'll.
Since there was significant structural damage to the store, we could be closed for up to a month while they repair it. That means all the game advisors, will have no hours until the store reopens. Luckily for me, I was recently promoted, so I still get hours, YAY! But they will be hours spent at the mall, which is even more annoying than my already busy ass store. But hours are hours, so whatever.
My interview at Old Navy went really really well. I know the boss there, this guy Mario. He's really nice, and he likes to joke around, so it would be a good environment to work in from the management persepctive, but the customers, oh my god. There is always someone trying to rip them off, or claiming that they've been ripped off. It's rediculous, but hopefully I wont have to deal with any of them for the most part.
We went to Dereks moms college graduation yesterday. Which was awesome. She's worked so hard to get her degree, and she finally made it. It was kind of funny because all of the speaches were geared toward 20 year olds...that old "Now that we're stepping out in to the real world, and looking for jobs..." speach, Dereks mom was like..."Um, I'm 50, I think I've been in the real world a while..." And another speach said something about, "and now for those of you who've spent, 3, 4, 5, maybe even 6 years working toward your degree..." She said, "how about those of us who have been at it for over 30 years??" It was fun though, we got a lot of pictures, and took video of it. It was so worth the raging sunburn. hehe.
Also, for those of you who havent seen it, I posted the set I shot for TigerAngel and queenmab in PSW. Go check it out. They are the hotness.

Wow, that's a greatest way to break into anything! I need to do that sometime.