Almost fired.
So um, I will not be in chat in the WEE hours as I've been.
I've enjoyed the time I've spent with you all, seeing the DownUnder people before the go to bed, Shell's Tarl-at-work-must-flash breasts and so forth.
I'll try to log in from home after work from time to time though, and hey, on the bright side that means I can...
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I took care of that problem almost a year ago when I got the logo on my ankle
So how the hell are you buddy?!! YOU were like my first friend here..missed you man!
Well we've had a hell of a year or 2, money troubles, no time for much other than work food sleep and a video game or a Netflix here and there.
Wife is still ridiculously beautiful, daughter is THIRTEEN 0.o and growing up before my eyes. (get's his shotgun and a knife) I'm still workin at the same place with even more firewalls and whatnot saying NO INTERNET FOR YOU! So I'll pretty much only be here when at Home.
Speaking of which I'm gonna pop into chat for good measure. See ya aboot!