Whew! Today was a busy day, and I think tomorrow isnt going to be much different. But then again I did play the slacker role all weekend. Im not to worried though things will work themselves out.

So I did go and pick out some new frames for glasses. Its going to take 7 to 10 days though before they are in. frown You know its...
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my super power would be to have the ability of ultimate persuasion. or maybe the ability to make things appear outta thin air.

I'm sorry things are hectic for ya right now, I know how you must be feeling.

Well I hope that you get lots 'o sleep!

The other night when I went to see my little cousin's play I bought popcorn and reeces pieces and mixed 'em up together. I thought I was like the only person who did that.
My all-time favorite movie candy would be Gummy Bears. I ♥ 'em. I usually finish them before the movie even starts. Although I've been getting snickers popables lately.

I like this set of scents called Tea Party. It comes in a pack of three bottle, Tea, Lemon, and Sugar. They can be layered together or worn seperately. My all time sexy scent tho' is CK Be. I don't know why but whenever I wear it, I get tons of men complementing me.

[Edited on Oct 12, 2004 1:15PM]
you now have a testimonial! kiss
Last night was awesome! I did manage to make my way to the LAN party. We had 16 people there. It was pretty crazy, but well worth it. Mainly we played the new Star Wars Battlefront game. Lots of file sharing and stuff went on naturally as well. We also BBQed. I just wish I had a notebook I could have brought with me instead...
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You do not want a notebook. lemme' tell ya. You would not be able to play your LAN games very well on it.
It does suck hauling a huge-ass moniter around. I feel your pain. Before I had a laptop, I used to take my mac to work with me so I could work on papers and whatnot. I was so afraid I was going to drop it or whatnot.

You changed your profile pic! YAY!....wait not that I didn't like your other one...............oh nevermind, I'm digging myself into a hole. confused

Well I hope you have a fantastic week.

*What is your favorite movie candy?
*Do you wear a scent? If so which one?
*How are you liking the new season of Smallville?
Errrrr!!! Can you feel my jealousy?! We used to have major LANs like that around here all the time, but now the best we can scrounge up is five or six people. Which really sucks 'cause you can't play a decent POV shooter with just five other people, so we'd get stuck playing RTSs. Which is fun and all, but if you happen lose early on, you're stuck watching everyone else for the next couple of hours. I know that monitor feeling, too. Mine's especaily painful since I have a shelf built for the top of my monitor so everytime I go to a LAN it is a half hour affair to get my computer apart and the to haul it down seven floors to me car. Just so I can get blown out fo the warter constantly since I don't really have the time to practice the games that much.

I'm also hearing you on FM with that friends thing. That used to kind of cheese me off until I realized that, as a friend, I was being treated a lot better than as a boyfriend. Strange how that stuff works.
Hurray its Friday! I might go get me some new glasses here in a bit. I am tired of my old ones that I have had since 9th grade. I do have a new prescription that I am going to get filled also, but mainly I just want some new frames smile

Anyways hope everyone has a good weekend. Mine is looking bleak. I am so...
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hey there.

i'm going to open a clothing store/business. i silkscreen my own shirt/pants/etc and i know i'd make a killing selling them a la store. that and i'm just tired of working for others and want to work for myself for a change.

new glasses are always fun!
NEW glasses!??! That's sacriledge!! There is nothing that screams style more than a pair of glasses that is more tape than frame and rests at about a 45 to your nose. Or maybe that's just me. blush Glasses should be worn until they fall apart and then used as monicles. Kind of like your favorite pair of shorts (except for the monacle part, of course, although that does conjure up a very interesting image).

Got a batch of friends like that, huh? Rough deal. Friends are real treasure, though. Just like treasure actually 'cause they're hard to find, often worth fighting for, and can brighten up any occasion. However, sometimes it's best to lock them up in a chest and bury them on a remote island for awhile.
I feel different today. Not in a bad way either. I guess its hard to explain but to try put it into words I feel almost more alive today. Its kind of like I woke up and feel refreshed or something. I dont know maybe some of you can relate. The others can call me crazy smile I think we are all a little crazy. Its...
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Going all out aren't ya, a burner and new HD! Now I know why ya need the new job smile

LAN party, LAN party!
The old friends screwed you over, early in the morning. In my book anything early is worth terminating a friendship. (not really, but I'd consider it-I am not a morning person)
Well another Tuesday is about to pass I guess. That just means that Smallville and Lost are going to be on tomorrow smile

So I think landed me another job. Im not quite sure though. I went and applied at this new caf that they are building near by. The guy took my application and looked it over. He then told me there were some server...
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aww, why the rental list? seriously, its better than i thought it would be and if you are into zombie movies at all then you'll like it cause its not so much the comedy its advertised as kiss
well who would be on the soundtrack of your day?
So the friends are in town. I kind of wish were more excited, but I dont know for some reason its not all that and a bag of chips I guess.

Yesterday was a long day. For starters on Friday I went out playing with some local friends and didnt get home until 1 a.m. Then on Saturday I got up at 6:15 a.m. to...
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The hard drive all the way. You don't need a DVD burner, that's what friends are for. Just bum their DVDs or, better yet, have them burn them for you while you play all the games you have stored on your new hard drive.

I'd have to side with bigvixen on the friend issue, although the hippos are a somewhat disturbing method.
new hard drive!!!
So I watched a bit of the presidential debate today. I still feel like I dont know enough about everything to make a proper decision. However like most people I will probably just vote the same way that my parents do smile

So the school thing is going okay still. Got the first round of tests done and out of the way. Im sitting in a...
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Thanks about the hair comment biggrin
Glad to hear you're trundling along ok. wink
So I just got home. Kind of tired, but not quite ready to go to bed yet. I dont know about you guys but I like some time to wind down after I get home.

Usually I dont mind going and helping fix peoples computers, but it seems like I have been doing it a lot lately. Thats what I just got home from doing....
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hey um......windows doesn't load properly on my computer...do you think you could swing by and take a look?

haha I need to buy that shirt for the boy. He keeps telling me that we are going to change our phone number to a 900 number because the only time we get calls is from friends and family who need computer help.
i like the idea of the sims games. i'll play them for a while but mostly devote my time to make lameass skins and colleting neat clothes no one will ever wear. i had all expansion packs and rarely played.

but the sims 2. it's kind of neat. i bought it the day it came out and have played it for like 4 hours total. i really just want to see the dna in action.
So I ran into an old friend yesterday. Its weird how much people can change. Naturally I am completely the same as I have always been smile It was fun though. We are probably going to try do something tomorrow after I get out of school.

Speaking of school, I guess tomorrow I will find out if I am a stud or if I am a...
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HMMMM I don't know what 6:45am looks like......Please tell me when you find out. biggrin
Yes, you should make them buy you breakfast. Diners always open, and usually have great breakfasts.....well the diners here anyway.

So I guess your friend is completly different, huh? I always find that when I run into someone I haven't seen in a very long time that they have changed, but I'm still the same......or at least I feel I'm the same......i wonder if the think the same thing...but backwards.....erm.....if that made any sense.

I'm sure your a stud! biggrin
Hurray! I found out today that two of my best friends are going to be coming back to visit for a couple of weeks. I am excited. Hopefully school and work wont get in the way to much. I dont anticipate any real problems.

It snowed a couple of days ago. Not down here in the valley, but on the tips of the mountains you...
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YAY! old friends visiting is so much fun.

It snowed???? my goodness.
i like October a lot too. I guess because it's Halloween. there are all kinds of skull decorations, and carved pumpkins, and candles.............(BTW...Halloween is my FAV holiday-I may have mentioned that b4)
Actually this Oct will be good. My best friend from high school, Kylee, will be moving back to the states from Germany. Actually she's moving to Bilouxi....which is like 4 hours from me....so there will be lots of visits to her house and the casinos.....LOL

I've tried playing the sims2 but I have 0 patience for it....I run out of money too fast.
what up my ninja