So tomrrow I start my new job. I hope I dont totally suck at it. I am kind of scared, but I know that all I can do is try.

Until next time.

You may have imposter syndrome. wink
Yay! Good luck smile
So it looks like I will be starting a new job on Monday.

I took the job designing the gift cards for various business. They were only offering me 20 hours a week, but I talked to them and even though they didn't want to guarantee me more than 20 hours they made it sound like it wasn't going to be a problem to work...
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you took the job? Good for you. It sounds like a it might be a fun job, esp. since you can choose your own hours.

I think I may have a new job too. Working as a secretary for a graphics packaging compay....(you know the ppl who make the glittery X-mas boxes for Pepsi every year.....yeah you know the one's I'm talking about)
I don't actually have the job yet, since they haven't promoted the secretary who is there now, but they are planning on it and they will need someone to fill her position.
It mean's I'll have to take night classes-but it also means that I can go to school next semester, and a lot of bank (I hear they pay well).
See send me some of your good vibes, you had for your new job.

Have fun this weekend. I know I will.
Well I have just concluded my second interview. Honestly I wasn't that impressed with the way things went on either interview. The first one which is for some software company doing some tech support turned out to be way different then I was lead to believe. For starters they wanted me to work 9-5 Monday through Friday. I could have probably managed that, but with...
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Interviews . . . grrrr! Never found them to be anything less than totally annoying. Always want to reach across the desk and shake them while yelling, "Just get ot the point!! What do you want from me!?" 'Course, that was when I spent a stretch interviewing for places like k-mart and Wal-mart. Why is it the places that have you dp the most mind-numbing, ridiculously simple stuff, grill you the most when it comes to hiring time. I spent hours getting interviewed to cashier at K-mart and minutes to manage at a gas station. funky. Good luck with the Circuit City thing, though. Except that I'd like to know how much of your check they'd get back before you got out the door. They sell a lot of computer goodies there and you may have to ratchet up your willpower wink
Ugh, I hate interviews.... just went for one today. Blech.... puke
So today I landed not one but two job interviews and turned down a third job. Hopefully turning down a job isnt going to bite me in the ass later one, but in all honesty I wasnt overly excited for that one anyways.

Wish me luck people. Tomorrow begins day one of interviewing. The job sounds pretty good though. They are only interviewing me and...
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how was the interview?

in person, i am very known for my expressions. though most often they are stupid. as capture in those photos.
Good luck. kiss
Today is going to be a good day. smile
Hope your day was peachy.
Those were my favorite all time cough drops yanno. I had to settle for herby ones though, as that was all that we had in the house.
I did go out. frown And paid for it today. *sigh*
I'm gonna decorate my flat with white and silver fairy lights!

What do I drink? Well I suppose it depends on my mood but I'm very partial to vodka with grapefruit juice and/or cranberry. What about you? smile
Dun dun dun! Its Friday! How cool is that? Actually I have nothing planned for today so we will have to wait and see if its going to be a really good Friday, or just a good Friday. Its pretty hard to have a bad Friday I think.

I burned my tounge pretty bad on dinner last night. You think I would have stopped the...
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How cool is that? Now I'm gonna have a Weezer song stuck in my head all day.

Burns are no good. I'm sorry.

oooh Thanks for reminding me, I need to register for classes too......I hope it's not too late, I was only approved for a few classes so I hope that they are not full already.

I hope you have a really good Friday.
What the hell kind of dinner was so torturous as to continually burn your mouth? I'd be avoiding that if I were you...
Whew! These last few days have just been crazy. Seems like I am always moving and never resting. I kind of like it, but I kind of dont. Then I again I cant have the best of both worlds I guess. School is stupid. I am upset with it, and myself. I really need to focus and hit a home run next semester I think....
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Who are you calling a Ho?

I'm still waiting for ppl to put Christmas decorations here. It's so nice to dive to my dad's house at night around Christmas b/c all the houses in his suburb area all lighted up and there are big reindeer and santa's and grinches in the yards.
But alas, people have their thanksgiving decorations up now.......stupid Turkeys.

Busy huh? I take it that you are busy with school. It sounds like your not doing so hot. Don't feel too bad I'm sucking at most of my classes right now. I'm only doing well in my visual journalism class. I have to try harder next semester too.
Yack, school.
I have a very good girl this year, compared to the last few anyhow. Santa always brings me great stuff but hopefully this year it'll be comics and trainers.
Well the weekend isn't officially over but its starting to wined down I think. So far I will score this weekend a 7 our of 10. I had a good time, but there was still room for improvement. Mainly I hung around a couple of friends, but that led to an actual party and the meeting of other people outside my social circle. Oh and...
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Well you know what they say about guys who need extra large tvs, right?

They usually host the Superbowl parties.

Ok lame joke blush
yeah my lil Japaneze friend Suzie(you can see her in the pics) got it, it was like 80$ cuz it was imported.....but it was d-licious! love

Welcome everyone to Thursday. Make yourselfs at home, sit back and enjoy the ride I guess. Actually Thursdays are nice because its the last day of school for me until Tuesday. I should probably try fill some of the days in between with some homework or something. Just a thought anyways. smile

So I was thinking I would really like to try venture out and see...
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Saki is great!, it is a rice wine you consume cold or warm....me personally i have never drank it cold and it does me just fine warm. it is soothing with a little spark!mmmmmmm, NOW I WANT SAKI! ARRR!!!

i still have the Team America song in my head:AMERICA, FUCK YEAH! GONNA SAVE THE MUTHA FUCKIN DAY YEAH!

Naked women are always nice whatever

Perhaps not a song, but the 80s station from work keeps getting stuck in my head - Damn satellite radio!
Wow its Tuesday already! I have just been busy I guess and somehow didn't notice a couple of days really go by.

Today though I have a test. This test is not going to be fun, and I don't think things are going to go as well as I would like them to. I don't even really know what to study for because the professor...
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Sigh... I also miss snow... It's friggin' mid-eighties here... 70's at night... grrr...
Grrrrrrr!! Now I am super jealous!! Why won't it snow here? Is there any way to can mail some of that to me? It keeps raining here when it should be snowing.

I kept my candy consumption to a minimum (not 'cause I wanted to, I just didn't get up in time to get to the store).