So I am just about to leave to go take my last final. This pleases me so much smile I woke up with a spring in my step, a smile on my face, and an anticipation to relax for the rest of the year.

Also we have sold our house, and have made an offer to boot some other people from their lovely home. So far...
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I hope finals went well!!
I think things are going to be okay. It's just shocking, that's all. Over time, things will get back to normal. God, I can't even imagine how Joseph's mom is right now....everytime I saw here she was being her cute British cheery self.

Thank you so much for being so nice, and so sincere.
Well kids, it looks like we made it. Its finals week and to me life is just about to get a little bit sweeter. I can taste the freedom and lazyness on my tongue. I am really not to worried about any of my finals. I think I should do just fine on them. I dont know what it was about this past semester, but...
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Thanks for the birthday love baby!!!!!!!! Good luck on those finals!!!!!
hey is your school on The Face Book?
Man my life is being thrown away on a game. And guess what? I love it! smile Ever since World of Warcraft came out I have forgotten that my computer is capable of other things besides playing this game. A lot of it though I think is the fact that most of my real life friends have the game, and we all get on and play...
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I can't justify your bad habit wink just yet. I've always been against those mmRPGs, but after having a brief conversation with the boy, I think we've decided to get WoW and play together.....who knows I might like it.....

I'm also waiting for the Christmas spirit too hit me too, I'll probably wait long enough for it to knock me out.....actually I doubt I'm going ot be all Christmas"y" this year frown at all.

Have fun with the game
Wow today was a very long day. The thing that really got me annoyed though was the company Christmas party I attended. That to me made it feel like I was at work even longer than normal today. I am just happy to be home.

Oh we sold are house today. Have to be out by January 3rd. I guess we need to find a...
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Work Xmas parties tend to engender anything but Christmas spirit, eh? Hope you've managed to relax now.

Oh, and thanks for the comp. on my pic. *blushes*


pfft. i bet you look extra adorable in the snow!
Hurray for me! I finally wend out and bought a couple of presents for the family. I got my brothers taken care of, so now its just down to the parents. I have a couple of ideas on what to get them, but I haven't narrowed it down to a clear cut decision.

The days lately seem way to short. I never have enough time...
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Nah, I look retarded in a bowtie....
Yeah I kinda got on the CSI bandwagon late...the Miami one is the only one I watch.

The rain is okay, but I need to invest in a pair of wellies since it's been raining non-stop for like the past 2 weeks. I hate it when the bottoms of my pants get wet mad

I agree that SNL lately SUCKS! I'm not at all happy with it....I think I lost interest after funnyman Will Ferrel left.

Interesting Fact: Out of the 34-36 Million Trees for Christmas, 4-6 end up in the Grayton Beach annual New Year's Eve/Kwannza Celebration smile smile

I am sick and not enjoying it. I am not sick enough to make my bed a primary place of residence, but just sick enough I am still able to drag my ass around to school and work still. I dont know which would be better, being totally sick or being just sick enough to still get around.

I really need to get my...
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After lots of research on this subject the past week, I think it's far worse to be just sick enough to feel like crap, but still able to manage every day tasks. At least when you are so sick you have to stay in bed, you're generally sleeping, so you can't actually feel all the sickness pains.

Have you been naughty or nice this year?

I hope that you start feeling better oh so soon.

the peanut thing is very interesting. I'll need to remember that next time I eat peanut butter and jelly on my saltines.

edited to add:
Thanks for you comment on the new pez pics. I have a very good idea as to why they were not accepted. The photo quality just isn't good enough.....which further proves that I do need a new digital camera for Christmas smile

[Edited on Dec 02, 2004 4:03PM]
Aw, hope you feel better soon! wink
So the semester is getting closer and closer to an end. I am so excited. I just had a bad feeling right from the get go. I am looking forward to retaining some of my lost lazyness for a couple of weeks in between semesters.

Super cool fact of the day: 35% of the people using personal ads for dating are already married!

Until next...
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Must be nice to have a circle of friends. And friends OUTSIDE of that circle of friends. I don't even have THAT. No circle for me. frown
what is the percentage of their marriages lasting?
I don't know but the whole personal ad thing makes me negative. I don't know why, but I seriously do not agree with it. Can't people find dates on their own? I don't know perhaps I don't need to diss it. It guess it's good for them if they find love, I don't know why I'm all piss and vinegar about it.

Yes I am looking forward to the end of the semester as well. It will be nice to not have to wake up so early in the morning....for at least a few weeks.
Well its been a busy weekend, but I think things are starting to wind down a little. I hope everyone had a good holiday. For me it actaully was rather enjoyable. Maybe its because I am getting older, but I really enjoyed being around my close family. At least as of right now I am looking forward to doing it again for the next upcoming...
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I haven't been in the Christmas spirit lately. I think once this week is over..exams, being sick, projects I'll be a little merrier.

...still haven't had any pie, but I did have an icecream bar tongue
well the world wouldn't be quite so cool.
are you on deathwing? if you aren't, you should be. smile
Well its the night before Thanksgiving. I have stopped all eating activities in order to prepare for tomorrows feast. smile I just hope we have enough mashed potatoes. I love mashed potatoes. Love um! I hope that everyone has a most fantastic Thanksgiving though. And the Cowboys should try win a game for once and make me prouder tomorrow as well.

I got a new game...
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haha I didn't realize that eating was an "activity" I always thought it was necessity.
Had a great turkey day! Hope you did too... biggrin

bok bok bok bok bok
Well I started the new job. So far I am not overly excited still, but I wasn't disappointed either. Mainly I just job shadowed, and after a couple of hours I found myself getting extreamly bored. Tomorrow though I will probably get my feet wet and start doing some printing and stuff. Hopefully things will get better and more enjoyable.

What has been the best...
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thank you......you know exactly what I needed biggrin
Yeah, I remembered it. That's always a good thing. And normality, well, it just sucks. puke