Ah the weekend. The thought of enjoying a relaxing weekend seems truly exiting. I just dont want to have to worry about things for a little while. Not that I ever really get stressed out, but still its nice to have a sense of ease when looking into the future rather then tension. I am thinking that tomorrow I will go live it up at another one of my geeky LAN parties. Sometimes I just have to get my geek on I guess
So day by day I am getting more settled into the new house. I pretty much have my room the way I am going to keep it for a while. The rest of my family is pretty far behind and still dont have any bed frames up to sleep on or anything. I thought I could be lazy which I can be, but now I know where I get it from.
As soon as I figure out where the digital camera went I will try get some of my amazing pictures up being that it has been a while since I have updated my pictures.
Until next time,

So day by day I am getting more settled into the new house. I pretty much have my room the way I am going to keep it for a while. The rest of my family is pretty far behind and still dont have any bed frames up to sleep on or anything. I thought I could be lazy which I can be, but now I know where I get it from.

As soon as I figure out where the digital camera went I will try get some of my amazing pictures up being that it has been a while since I have updated my pictures.

Until next time,
Be glad you haven't seen the commercial. It's truly disgusting...well anything Anna Nicole is disgusting, but the commercial is sooooo bad and it's sooo good to make fun of.
LAN party...sign me up..I haven't played games inso long. Which games are ya gonna play?
Well enjoy relaxing this weekend.
xox Franki