Welcome everyone to Thursday. Make yourselfs at home, sit back and enjoy the ride I guess. Actually Thursdays are nice because its the last day of school for me until Tuesday. I should probably try fill some of the days in between with some homework or something. Just a thought anyways.
So I was thinking I would really like to try venture out and see the move The Incredibles. I think it looks quite amusing. I like the superhero idea being that I am a geek. Speaking of geekyness, tomorrow I am hoping to install some Suse Linux on on of my hard drives. I have friends that use Linux a fair amount and now that I have the space I think I would like to give it a try as well.
On a side note I have had the song Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day stuck in my head all day. Its a really cool song and all but get out of my head damn it!
Is there a song lately you just cant seem to get enough of?
Oh and I think I am starting to really like the color orange, and I thought Mkila's set was pretty nice today. Just thought I would share that.
Until next time.

So I was thinking I would really like to try venture out and see the move The Incredibles. I think it looks quite amusing. I like the superhero idea being that I am a geek. Speaking of geekyness, tomorrow I am hoping to install some Suse Linux on on of my hard drives. I have friends that use Linux a fair amount and now that I have the space I think I would like to give it a try as well.
On a side note I have had the song Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day stuck in my head all day. Its a really cool song and all but get out of my head damn it!
Is there a song lately you just cant seem to get enough of?
Oh and I think I am starting to really like the color orange, and I thought Mkila's set was pretty nice today. Just thought I would share that.
Until next time.
i still have the Team America song in my head:AMERICA, FUCK YEAH! GONNA SAVE THE MUTHA FUCKIN DAY YEAH!
Naked women are always nice