Well its Sunday Sunday Sunday!
I think I will probably go to a movie today. I dont know what movie, but a movie sounds good. Lately it feels like Im getting pressed for time. This whole summer has been long and boring, but now that school is starting up at the end of the month it feels like there isnt enough summer to spare now. I keep thinking I need to make some changes in my life. Or at least need some changes. I dont know what exactly, but life seems so stagnate right now. Well until next time people.

Yeah I know what ya mean about the life being still. I feel the same way. I think that once school starts things will be different.
Oh yeah, yesterday I was thinking that I am probably a drama queen. I mean with the Whitney thing and the dad yelling thing. I mean when nothing is going on in my life, I'm bored. When there is something going on...I'm not happy, but at least I'm not bored. I'm feeling some kind of emotion.....I think I try and create drama in my life. Weird.