I saw the latest SG homework and got a bit too excited. The topic... What do you collect? As some of you already know I have a slightly (ok maybe a bit more than slightly) unhealthy addiction to lego. I literally have hundreds of mini figs and a giant cabinet full of lego that I have lovingly built, and then rebuilt. Funny story, I moved house a few months ago, and I had been trying to figure out the best way to move my mountains of lego. I came home two days before the move to discover all my Lego dumped together in a black bag. I will admit, rather sheepishly now, that it was one of the few times I actually threw a tantrum. Anyways, so I ended up having to re build everything from scratch, and I still have a few Lego pieces that I never figured out where they went :P
It's childish, I know, but it makes me happier than just about anything, except maybe fluffy baby animals :D
Here are some of my favourites... I won't bore you will everything I have cause you would be scrolling for hours!!
@missy @rambo