This is a blog so you can get to know me a little better 
Some random facts for you...
I lived in 4 different cities in 2 different countries in my life so far. First Johannesburg (South Africa), then Eton (England), then Newquay (England - I think this was my fav, it was definitely the prettiest and most happening place), then Durban ( South Africa) and finally back to Joburg again.
My favourite job was working in the Blue Reef Aquarium situated on the beach in Newquay. I had to look after all the nursary tanks, which meant I got to make sure all the juvenile sharks, sea horses, lion fish, dog fish, rays, cuttlefish etc were all healthy and well fed. I'm a big fan of animals, especially baby ones so it was basically my dream job. I also got to play with our very own tame octopus Solomon on a daily basis. You have to play with them or they get bored and depressed, poor things. They really are too intelligent to be kept in captivity. This one was a rescue. He washed up on the shore near the aquarium when he accidentally got caught in the wrong current. He was the favourite at the aquarium after that though.
My second favourite job was working in a book shop, not so much for the work, but for the fact that I was always surrounded by books and I could read any of them whenever I wanted
I'm a huge fan of reading. I would rather lose myself in a book than be in the real world most of the time. Alas I have not quite worked out how to maintain that kind of lifestyle
I have 3 cats... going on 3 thousand. Apparently my house is the shit as far as cats are concerned. All the neighbourhood cats visit regularly.
This is Luna (Nickname: Princess)

She is the lady of the house. Very delicate little thing who pretends to be all small and unassuming, while in reality is actually a vicious killer, and a picky eater. She likes to leave certain body parts for me to find, usually the faces
This is Neji (Nickname: Needy)

He makes it his mission to be attached to the newest person in the house at all times. You can't sit down without him being on you, and if you are standing or walking he is either following you or trying to hitch a ride on your shoulder. As far as he is concerned you are his own personal piece of furniture. Possibly the neediest cat in the world and he makes getting lucky a difficult task....
And finally Jin (Nickname Fatty McFat pants)

The world is his playground. If he can climb in, on, under or around it he will not hesitate to do so. He is the most curious and playful cat I know, and while he is absolutely adorable his one flaw is that he has made it is his mission in life to destroy my couches, curtains and table cloths. He is often found taunting the neighbourhood cats and is loved by every cat and human he meets. He has taken it upon himself to rid the house of the friendly neighbourhood dog who visits us every now and again. I've never seen a dog so scared of a cat who's never even touched her lol.
My favourite animated show is without a doubt Metalocalypse. I can't get enough of it. Charles Foster Ofdensen is my hero...

and Nathan Explosion is my cartoon crush

I need a t-shirt that says explode me on it
This is closely followed by Venture Brothers, so many amazing characters, so little time! I once dressed up as Dr Girlfriend for my birthday. Best ever!!

I want a bunny but I'm not allowed
I've had Black, brown, red, pink, green, blue, purple and platinum in my hair.

I've had my ears, belly, eyebrow and lip pierced.
My parents paid for my first tattoo.
I told everyone I would never regret any of my tattoos and now I'm diligently trying to cover pretty much all of them all up
I hated the days before hair straighteners existed.
My house looks like a child should live here
What can I say I love collecting crap.
I have more Lego and Hello Kitty paraphernalia than my niece and nephew combined.
I attempted to play the bass for a while, sucked at practicing and gave up about a year later, but Bass is still my favourite instrument
I've done a million types of dancing, Ballet, Tap, Spanish, Modern, Jazz, Contemporary, Figure Skating, Burlesque and my new love Pole Dancing.
I can't sing for shit, but I love singing at the top of my lungs in my car on the way to and from work.
I want to live in Lothlorien but I would settle for Hogworts.

Favourite place I visited on holiday was Pemba Island, Zanzibar. It was just like being in a postcard.
Once of my nicknames is Princess of Darkness. My sister in law says that its because I only wear black until they invent a darker colour
Apparently this rubbed off on my niece cause she started dressing like me, much to her mothers disgust.
I love fireplaces!! My parents have the biggest and best one. I'm still glad they live 5 hours away though
I like being the big spoon. No clue why. Maybe I have control issues.
I wanted to be an astronaut when I was little, then I wanted to be an astronomer when I was older and finally
settled for just drooling over sky porn on a regular basis.
I love being very high up, like on top of a mountain, but I have phobia of falling. Its the falling feeling that terrifies me not the heights. I used to have a lot of falling dreams when I was little.
I used to be able to control my dreams when I was young. I would be dreaming about something, decide I was over it and then climb though a hole or something into a dream place that I really loved. Wish I could do that now!!
Comedians rock my world, especially the UK and Australian comedians. We've been getting more and more coming to South Africa in the last few years, and I have been known to mutter things like "If Dylan Moran or Tim Minchin ever come to South Africa you better strap me into my chair or I'll end up chasing them round the stage..."

I feel truly honoured to have met Nelson Mandela and Henry Rollins. Both incredibly great men for a multitude of reasons but what they have in common is the fact that they try to make the world a better place by convincing the masses to be more accepting and tolerant , and I think succeeding in spreading their message for the most part.

I've seen some great live bands, most memorable ones were Marilyn Manson, Rammstein, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Muse, Placebo, Metallica, Frank Black and the Catholics, Beck, System of a Down, Foo Fighters, Green Day, Garbage, Electric 6, The Hives and Smashing Pumpkins.
The bands I will never forgive myself for not seeing live are NIN, Tool, APC, Puscifer and Black Keys. I suppose there is still hope for some of those but not much considering where I currently reside. Still never say never I guess.
When I'm sad I drown myself in music.
I'm very attracted to intelligence, always have been. I have had major crushes on many a wandering genius.
If I could meet anyone in the world it would be Trent Reznor, very closely followed by Maynard James Keenan. However I must confess that it is likely I would turn into a blubbering mass of fan girl and not be able to get two words out

Long hair on guys still makes me weak at the knees.
If I could change one thing about myself I would make my eyes blue.
My last remaining addiction is caffeine.
I want a pet Tiger.
Hope that clears things up a bit

Some random facts for you...
I lived in 4 different cities in 2 different countries in my life so far. First Johannesburg (South Africa), then Eton (England), then Newquay (England - I think this was my fav, it was definitely the prettiest and most happening place), then Durban ( South Africa) and finally back to Joburg again.
My favourite job was working in the Blue Reef Aquarium situated on the beach in Newquay. I had to look after all the nursary tanks, which meant I got to make sure all the juvenile sharks, sea horses, lion fish, dog fish, rays, cuttlefish etc were all healthy and well fed. I'm a big fan of animals, especially baby ones so it was basically my dream job. I also got to play with our very own tame octopus Solomon on a daily basis. You have to play with them or they get bored and depressed, poor things. They really are too intelligent to be kept in captivity. This one was a rescue. He washed up on the shore near the aquarium when he accidentally got caught in the wrong current. He was the favourite at the aquarium after that though.
My second favourite job was working in a book shop, not so much for the work, but for the fact that I was always surrounded by books and I could read any of them whenever I wanted

I'm a huge fan of reading. I would rather lose myself in a book than be in the real world most of the time. Alas I have not quite worked out how to maintain that kind of lifestyle

I have 3 cats... going on 3 thousand. Apparently my house is the shit as far as cats are concerned. All the neighbourhood cats visit regularly.
This is Luna (Nickname: Princess)

She is the lady of the house. Very delicate little thing who pretends to be all small and unassuming, while in reality is actually a vicious killer, and a picky eater. She likes to leave certain body parts for me to find, usually the faces

This is Neji (Nickname: Needy)

He makes it his mission to be attached to the newest person in the house at all times. You can't sit down without him being on you, and if you are standing or walking he is either following you or trying to hitch a ride on your shoulder. As far as he is concerned you are his own personal piece of furniture. Possibly the neediest cat in the world and he makes getting lucky a difficult task....
And finally Jin (Nickname Fatty McFat pants)

The world is his playground. If he can climb in, on, under or around it he will not hesitate to do so. He is the most curious and playful cat I know, and while he is absolutely adorable his one flaw is that he has made it is his mission in life to destroy my couches, curtains and table cloths. He is often found taunting the neighbourhood cats and is loved by every cat and human he meets. He has taken it upon himself to rid the house of the friendly neighbourhood dog who visits us every now and again. I've never seen a dog so scared of a cat who's never even touched her lol.
My favourite animated show is without a doubt Metalocalypse. I can't get enough of it. Charles Foster Ofdensen is my hero...

and Nathan Explosion is my cartoon crush

I need a t-shirt that says explode me on it

This is closely followed by Venture Brothers, so many amazing characters, so little time! I once dressed up as Dr Girlfriend for my birthday. Best ever!!

I want a bunny but I'm not allowed

I've had Black, brown, red, pink, green, blue, purple and platinum in my hair.

I've had my ears, belly, eyebrow and lip pierced.
My parents paid for my first tattoo.
I told everyone I would never regret any of my tattoos and now I'm diligently trying to cover pretty much all of them all up

I hated the days before hair straighteners existed.
My house looks like a child should live here

I have more Lego and Hello Kitty paraphernalia than my niece and nephew combined.
I attempted to play the bass for a while, sucked at practicing and gave up about a year later, but Bass is still my favourite instrument

I've done a million types of dancing, Ballet, Tap, Spanish, Modern, Jazz, Contemporary, Figure Skating, Burlesque and my new love Pole Dancing.
I can't sing for shit, but I love singing at the top of my lungs in my car on the way to and from work.
I want to live in Lothlorien but I would settle for Hogworts.

Favourite place I visited on holiday was Pemba Island, Zanzibar. It was just like being in a postcard.
Once of my nicknames is Princess of Darkness. My sister in law says that its because I only wear black until they invent a darker colour

I love fireplaces!! My parents have the biggest and best one. I'm still glad they live 5 hours away though

I like being the big spoon. No clue why. Maybe I have control issues.
I wanted to be an astronaut when I was little, then I wanted to be an astronomer when I was older and finally
settled for just drooling over sky porn on a regular basis.
I love being very high up, like on top of a mountain, but I have phobia of falling. Its the falling feeling that terrifies me not the heights. I used to have a lot of falling dreams when I was little.
I used to be able to control my dreams when I was young. I would be dreaming about something, decide I was over it and then climb though a hole or something into a dream place that I really loved. Wish I could do that now!!
Comedians rock my world, especially the UK and Australian comedians. We've been getting more and more coming to South Africa in the last few years, and I have been known to mutter things like "If Dylan Moran or Tim Minchin ever come to South Africa you better strap me into my chair or I'll end up chasing them round the stage..."

I feel truly honoured to have met Nelson Mandela and Henry Rollins. Both incredibly great men for a multitude of reasons but what they have in common is the fact that they try to make the world a better place by convincing the masses to be more accepting and tolerant , and I think succeeding in spreading their message for the most part.

I've seen some great live bands, most memorable ones were Marilyn Manson, Rammstein, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Muse, Placebo, Metallica, Frank Black and the Catholics, Beck, System of a Down, Foo Fighters, Green Day, Garbage, Electric 6, The Hives and Smashing Pumpkins.
The bands I will never forgive myself for not seeing live are NIN, Tool, APC, Puscifer and Black Keys. I suppose there is still hope for some of those but not much considering where I currently reside. Still never say never I guess.
When I'm sad I drown myself in music.
I'm very attracted to intelligence, always have been. I have had major crushes on many a wandering genius.
If I could meet anyone in the world it would be Trent Reznor, very closely followed by Maynard James Keenan. However I must confess that it is likely I would turn into a blubbering mass of fan girl and not be able to get two words out

Long hair on guys still makes me weak at the knees.
If I could change one thing about myself I would make my eyes blue.
My last remaining addiction is caffeine.
I want a pet Tiger.
Hope that clears things up a bit


I'm excited to see your new set, m'dear