So this blog is mostly about Lunar's birthday shenanigans...
Firstly for the surprise birthday dinner.
Hello Kitty themed of course....

Then we discovered the most craptacular club in Joburg... Avastar!!
Its a whole club based on the Avatar movie, to the extreme. So much of wow! I thought for a while that I might actually have wondered into Vegas...

There was some spillage that resulted in urgent drying in the ladies

And to finish off the evening we were subjected to the most fantastically awful Avatar themed dance routine. I laughed so hard I nearly cried!!

I have to go again!!!!!!
Now for some random bits and pieces from the last month...
I got some new bunnies

Got a cupcake teapot!! Best!

Tried star fruit...

Pretty lights

Had more fun dinners with Lunar and her sister.

Sunsets for the win!!

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In honour of 3 of my favourite SGs birthdays falling in one month, I actually baked a cake! While this may be a normal occurance for most people, I haven't baked anything since early high school
I must admit I was pretty impressed with myself. It looked pretty cool and tasted really good
Yay me! lol

Jin approves

Awesome new fan art by TigerG, go say Hi

You can follow me on Instagram...tarionbunny

Bye for now

Firstly for the surprise birthday dinner.
Hello Kitty themed of course....

Then we discovered the most craptacular club in Joburg... Avastar!!
Its a whole club based on the Avatar movie, to the extreme. So much of wow! I thought for a while that I might actually have wondered into Vegas...

There was some spillage that resulted in urgent drying in the ladies

And to finish off the evening we were subjected to the most fantastically awful Avatar themed dance routine. I laughed so hard I nearly cried!!

I have to go again!!!!!!
Now for some random bits and pieces from the last month...
I got some new bunnies

Got a cupcake teapot!! Best!

Tried star fruit...

Pretty lights

Had more fun dinners with Lunar and her sister.

Sunsets for the win!!

Our multi is over 1000 comments

In honour of 3 of my favourite SGs birthdays falling in one month, I actually baked a cake! While this may be a normal occurance for most people, I haven't baked anything since early high school

Jin approves

Awesome new fan art by TigerG, go say Hi

You can follow me on Instagram...tarionbunny

Bye for now
